howdy!! I’ve had my eye on this pal for a little while so I figured I’d inquire about them!

If you are considering offers, I cooould offer art! We’re mutuals on furaffinity + twitter if that matters. I’m not sure their worth, so whatever you find fair! I may be able to offer characters as well, though I’m not sure if I have anyone you’d like. You’re free to poke around my ota folder, though!

hey just wanted to say I'd still be interested in this pal! I could offer money too!

heya!! im super sorry, these past couple weeks have been... really wild and i lost track

this fella was 25usd. im reluctant to let him go but youre a chill dude if youre still interested in them?

Oh hey no worries, that’s totally understandable! Thanks for getting back to me! ^__^

I’m definitely interested! $25 sounds perfectly reasonable! If you’re still attached I definitely wouldn’t want to pry them from you, but if you’re willing to give them up, I’d be happy to have them! If you like, I can sell/trade them back to you first should I ever get tired of them? I totally don’t mind!

yea i think im alright letting them go! i mostly just feel bad i didnt use them as much as i thought i would haha

[email protected] is my paypal!!! and i can send a transfer over to u when its paid for

Thats totally fair haha! But awesome, payment sent! ^__^ tysm!

2 Replies