Comments on RANZOMEGA All Comments

Aaaa thank you for the fav dear on my boy^-^

And hey agian! I hope you are doing okay.

You're welcome!!

I'm going through some things right now but I'm finding ways to deal with them. Thanks for asking! I hope you're doing well too!

You seem like a person who won’t give up, so I am sure you can through it! If you ever need to rant to a stranger, to feel better, you are welcome to do so.

I am doing alrighty ^—^ Ofcouse would like to hear or see people soon, but I am such a unsocial person so 6 months or a year more, I can do that.

Aw thank you, I'm doing my best to get through it all. The same goes to you. I might not be able to respond right away but you're free to PM me if you need to talk. ^^

That's good. Same here, I'm not too social and have spent a lot of my life indoors already, so I guess it's easier for people like us to get through things like this than others.