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[Rolled a 18]

Dawn is fine with being in front of the girl, holding an arm around her to make her feel a little safe. She nods towards Nadhiya, allowing herself to trust that the octopus girl with her will be fine, and boops her phone "Trick or Treat."

"Trick or treat indeed~! Welcome." Deciding to address Dawn first she hummed. "Quite the protective instinct you have, very admirable. And for that..~ You get either your choice of several pieces of candy, or a bracelet that has a tiny crystal charm of your choice..~" She paused, seeing the other had used a phone. "You may hold up one finger for the first option, two for the second if that is easier. "

Nadhiya did honestly quite enjoy seeing others being protective over friends, family or loved ones. She knew the feeling and could respect it.