Comments on Roxie Allen All Comments

ROXIE IS A TOTAL. DORK. PRECIOUS BABY GIRL. I can't get over how she's ridiculously cute and energetic, but she loves metal. That's... literally the most adorable thing, ever. I could see Roxie boasting a rather hefty collection of magical girl merch - right next to her books and journals. She's so lovely, and I can see why her and Leo are such close friends! :'3 

also no offense but ahjskldfghh i clicked on her voiceclaim links and now i'm sitting here, listening to a bunch of haruhi suzumiya songs, and that used to be my fave anime when i was. idk 12-13? i'm sobbing.....,, how could u do this to me

AWWWWW Thank you!!!! (Somehow this message and your one on Jun's didn't show up in my notifs. Sorry for the late reply!)

Omg, she probably does have a bunch of magical girl merchandise.

(LOLOLOL My thought process for coming up with her voice claim is "I need someone that sounds like an anime protagonist, but who..................ah. I got one.")