Comments on 08/07/2017 update! All Comments

It's most important for you to focus on yourself and your personal well being FIRST in these types of situations! The loss of a loved one - even a loss that you knew would be coming - is still an incredible emotional strain, and I think it's a VERY good idea for you to step back from commission work and focus on personal creative expression and creative exercises. Just before I joined TH, I was in a place where I had been depressed and unable to draw [practically at ALL] for at least a few years, and NOW I feel like I have the energy to create again - but I definitely, DEFINITELY believe that my decision not to take on commissions or trades except very, very rarely played a big role in my recovery. Having to create art for ANY sort of deadline, and to ANYONE else's standards or demands, can drain the love out of the process of creating art if you're already in a place where your passion is waning for personal reasons. Take your time, care for yourself, do what serves YOUR best interests emotionally and psychologically, and you'll be able to recuperate! ♥

Basically, ALL OF MY LOVE, DUDE! /;<; ♥ Be gentle with yourself, and please, feel free to do whatever you need to do in order to get to a better place, as an individual and as an artist!