Comments on Public Blacklist All Comments

This does make me curious. Do you have a TOS I could possibly look at? Just so I can be aware of some things if I ever want a design from you again!

I do it's actually attached to all of my designs!

In some cases I'll blacklist people for constant lowballing, hateful behaviour and if I can no longer trust them

- All Designs can ONLY be sold for amount bought for (Unless they have extra art) 

- FREE/GIFTED DESIGNS SHOULD NOT BE SOLD. (Anyone seen doing this will be blacklisted and I will ask for the character back!!)

- ^^ The only exception of this is if you have commissioned art and they now have a worth to them. 

- Do not use my designs as trade fodder. 

- ALWAYS KEEP MY DESIGN/NAME AS CREDIT. Failure to do so will result in blacklisting. 

- Breedables/Shipping Grids CAN be made of my designs, but please don't copy my designs.

Ah, I see! Thank you so much! <3 I'll keep it in mind!