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Hii bird I'm saving up my money for a gift for you (a commission) I'm assuming you'd like me to use bird right?

ahhh omg wait seriously?? oh gosh you dont have to do that ;;;O;;; I.. I have no way to pay you back. if you end up doing it then hum I can make you something. but yes!! please use bird XD (don't forget im still waiting on your offer payments.. I usually like offers paid in 2-3 months, I still have uncompleted offers from scratch so I have to keep it more punctual now rippp?)

Yeye I do she's one of yr inspirations sobb an no not at all its a gift sobbs an ye I know !!

wha wait who?? ;o; or do you want to keep it a secret haha XD and aaa ok well I might still make u something :'>

It's a secret sobbs :^) Nono don't yr rlly busyy

aaaa ok!! ^D^ I can't wait im so confused haha x'D and aaa we will see

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