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Whoa... Wait... Is that a Phoenix Comicon shirt on your about me character O_O

That would be awesome if it were, but it's actually Transformers-related. In the new comic from IDW, they sometimes use human avatars to interact with organics and Rodimus' human avatar wears a tee-shirt just like that. :)

But I love comic book conventions (well, any convention really), I usually attend Chicago ComiCon......being the closest to me. I've been to AnimeExpo (Los Angeles), Otakon (Maryland), FurCon (San Jose) and Anthrocon (Philadelphia) well as being lucky to having gone to San Diego ComiCon International one year. :) One day I hope to go to a comicon in New York (being the birthplace of American comics) and TFCon, a Transformers convention. :D

Oh ok! I was just curious since I attend Phoenix Comicon from time to time and would have loved to join up sometime. I used to do San Diego Comicon when I was young, before it was cool with all the celebs and what not. I wish you luck on getting to a NYCC!

Chicago has become like that, too.............most people go for the celebrities. It's the only thing I can do with my younger sister, we have nothing in common, but at least we can go to ComiCon together--she goes to meet famous people, I go to look at comics and collectibles. :) And Artist's Alley is my favorite place of any kind of convention. :D