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Thank youuu birdddd omggg (I keep wanting to call you turtle save me) sobb an Nono I'm not you totally arrr??

O I'm sorree that sucks, oh yes rain rain is th besttt

I'm good aa :'O my guy friends spent 2 hours tracking down my house becaus they were in the neighborhood and they wanted to know where I lived bbut googl maps kept taking them all over the plac it was funny

AAA ok sorry my computer was broken I couldn't reply *sobbss* I'm back now tho... but good!! I hope you are still good?? :'o but thats amazing AHAH sounds like something I would do

O sobb ripp, that's good! I'm alright lol yeahh

hahaa ok good x'D

So what hav you been up to?

mm texting friends XD playing tap tap fish lol... not much since my computer was down. u?

3 Replies