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the CSS is "revel" by @cheerikola with a bunch of modifications and the HTML is "peep" by @Eggy, also with some modifications. both were P2U and revel isn't currently available to purchase right now, but cheerikola has been revamping & rereleasing a lot of her codes lately so if you're interested, i'd keep an eye out! :]

sorry for the late reply, but there are some codes similar to revel !!!

milku by cheerikola ( user profile css - chee coded it to chuck an error if used on a character profile + same person who coded revel )

card by eggy

banner by eggy ( character profile css - works on user profiles but looks a bit weird, i tested it )

splash by eggy ( character profile css - seems to work on user profiles, i tested it )

melody elodie by calnite

project overdrive by calnite

blockado combo by vicodes