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Hmm, if you're looking to set up the featured character/comment boxes like mine, you'll have to adjust numerous values (more than I can possibly describe in one comment) such as the minimum-height for both, and in this box specifically, you'd have to set the max-height in div.profile-comments and also set your overflow-y to scroll and your overflow-x to hidden, with padding as you see fit. The boxes are styled automatically by Eggy's P2U Topnav layout, so if you were looking for that aesthetic as well as this overall layout, you would need to purchase that. All of this is only possible with css, so you would need to be a premium user to get all of this to work. I hope this helps! Thank you so much for using my layouts!

EDIT: Also, just wanted to mention as I'm not sure if this is intentional, but your featured character box appears to be missing! You should be able to enable it in advanced profile settings.

Thank you for that help. unfortunately I wont be able to get premium right now because of personal problems. I was trying an alternative where I edit my profile to directly link specific characters. My one problem is they were all lining up vertical and I want them side by side. can you help with that.