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Heyo,I have a question about this code!
Is there a way to change the colors of the title and the dividers?
(I'm bad at explaining but I'm talking about the lines under "Physical Information" and "Style Preference" etc.)
I've tried but I can't seem to change the colors,and I wanted to ask if it was possible?

Thanks in advance!

Oh! I just figured that out! For the title just replace <div class="rounded bg-primary px-2 py-1 text-center text-white" style="font-size:1.2em;letter-spacing:1px;;"> with <div class="rounded px-2 py-1 text-center text-white" style="font-size:1.2em;letter-spacing:1px;background-color:#000;"> 

For the dividers replace <hr class="bg-primary mb-0 mt-1"> with <hr class="mb-0 mt-1"style=background-color:#000>

I hope that works for u and that Lullah doesn't mind me answering ur question djkjdf
If she ends up seeing this tho, I would love to know how to change the colors of the carousel labels TuT

oh thank you!!

No problem! I just spent,,, too long trying to figure out the same exact thing, so i'm super happy to help X)

(Answering for Lullah) you have to 1) remove the existing "btn-primary" tag in a class and 2) insert "background-color:#000000;" into the style tag
It should look like this:


I think her guide covers it pretty well but as a general rule of thumb if it's bootstrapped and you want to custom color it, you pull out the "primary"* tag and add a "color/background-color:#000000" tag into style and vice versa if you want to bootstrap custom colors

*this varies but primary is the default for most templates

Oh!! Thank you so much, that was super helpful! What about the button's text color? I took a look at the guide but I'm still not quite sure where to put the <p style="color:#333"bit ;u;

put the color bit within the same style tag as background-color so it looks like this:


color = text color and background color = box color

Gosh, sorry for such a late reply!!! But oml, that helped so much, tysm for taking the time to show me!!! :D