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Ah I’ve been alright :00 I’m finally pretty much done with this event project thing so I can get back to my usual stuff (by usual stuff I mean drawing for like 1 hour and then watching useless things on YT whagshaghsgs), oh and our mango tree has started to finally bloom(?) and we are going to plant basil and Chinese Parsley :DDD 

Also I’ve pretty much been bummed out and unmotivated ever since I keep getting reminded of piano exam (yes I know I mentioned this 382828 times) but since it’s so close, I’ll just get it over with somehow and then I can finally destroy finegrtereret on my random paper-textured iPad bajdbskbsks

What have you been up to? :00

And one more thing, do you still play genshin impact? afdusgsjsb

ooo that’s really cool!! growing plants is fun :D

ajaksjkal oof hope you do well on that ;o; I haven’t done too much recently except for drawing a bit and procrastinating ;u; oh and I made tang yuan yesterday :00

I don’t play that much, but I still have it! :0 what about you?

Ooo :00 have you grown any plant? I’ve “grew“ a coconut tree and named it Samuel but it grew too close to the house so they got decapitated by my father augsjabsjshs

Oh yeah :000 you actually made tang yuan? My dad just bought frozen ones lmao like pork, red bean, and seseame or whatever it is yejsbdkdns, I also got to drink boba but it was like 6 dollars for a cup whagsjgsjsbs

I play it from time to time :000 Theres a lot of Asian references the further you go in and asian dishes thing that actually look really good aaaa, if you ever get to lvl 16? Maybe we can play together? :,0

yea! i mainly collect little plants like growing in the sidewalk or something and try to grow them at home ^^; most of the time they die though ;D;

rip samuel

ajlsjslj theres pork tang yuan??? :0000 this was our first time making it , and everyone said it tasted dry or something but it tasted good to me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ye i really like all the chinese references and the characters are pretty cool too :0

Oooo really? :00 that’s nice, do you ever collect them by the roots? I don’t really see any plants on my sidewalks bagsusgjshs but I mean I also don’t go outside much either

My dad also cut down trees on the back of the backyard including like 2 big af palm trees and now their gone bahdhahjsjskahsjsn and there’s just big blinking satellit that somehow reminds me of my old house

and yeah :] and Im not sure how it’ll taste dry when it’s literally boiled in water for like a good (insert number) minutes or so lmao

Have you seen Liyue Harbor or whatever? :000

yea I do! :O ajajhsjajajaik same


that’s cool! I’ll have to try those sometime :D and yea ajsjahsks

I have, it looks really cool! :OO mainly I just play genshin to sightsee and not to level up ahahaha ha 

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