Comments on daymoth All Comments aa sobs this is so bad Im sorry hh lmk if you want anything changed sob

NO NONONO DONT SAY THAT IT"S SO BEAUTIFUL IM GASPING I LITERALLY *caps cough* like had shivers looking at this. I can't believe she's mine like woah that pattern, the almost hidden arrow everything AAAA *hugs* thank you so much fekgeipc idc how long these take, they are so worth it, it's gorgeous

Om thank you bird yr comments always make me smile >:'3 I'm so happy you like her aa I'm working on the other two, I had originally planned to make it a simple dsign but noPE

ahhh ofc!! :P Im glad they do. but aah thank you x3 btw, I can work on the custom for the bby Im making art for u on whenever you give me a theme!! XD

I know haha I just have no clue what I want haha

Lol I totally understand XD take your time, just think of something you like, What mood you like and I can come up with something XD

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