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He raises an eyebrow, eyeing at this lizard creature.

"What?" He asked, looking down at the milk bottle in his hands. "Surely you don't mean you're disgusted by milk...?"

"I am not fond of it."

she sniffed the milkman. He smelled of milk and blood. She did quite like blood.

"How unfortunate." He rolls his eyes at the creature. "Very unfortunate that you dislike the world's greatest dairy product."

He takes a step back, oddly uncomfortable with how close this stranger is. "Too close. I don't have anything on me except for milk. I don't know what else you want from me."

"RELAX, i just like sniffing. you can tell a lot about someone or something by how they smell. It has also come to my attention that you and your mate are rather interesting,"

being the clingy little shit she is she decided that yes, he would be fun to cling to.