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how do you even keep track of that many ocs?? I want to have as little as possible characters, I just sorted some ocs and have a lot up for offers. Well, to be fair, all of my characters are always up for offers

"how do you even keep track of that many ocs??"

Really what is toyhouse for, to be fair?

JK, umm, whoo boy, here i go. i feel it, 

well I have this many characters because I plan on moving into making books, comics, animated shows, and perhaps games with them all. My story, Lamian World/also known as The Forest Crew, encompasses a bigger picture called Certain Victory. 

Me and my friend, and his friends, we all write an interconnected multiverse, we're writing our own wiki, and we've been doing this for 5 or so years. We have many documents, google docs, of them, like.... over 50, to keep track of information of their world, like diety systems, culture, language, factions, types, species, names, ages, etc, and we also have a few toyhouse worlds. 

I have so many because I'm trying to simulate a fleshed out planet/world, TWO planets, actually, and a few more including the aliens. 

I have many towns, and even a map we're trying to remake. a few entirely new continents and countries, species we've created, world lore that has to do with their past and future, and even the end of their world. 

Older map:

Map_unshaded.png Newer map:


Simulated map with Inkarnate:


Aduagaki Isles: 


This isn't just maps of our own continents, either, now. It even has real world continents being tampered with too.


Many of my characters are simple background characters that don't do much except walk around and make the towns more lively rather than a simple copypasted bg character. Many of the background characters get foreground roles in the future, such as basically giving the main characters a thing to do. we're writing episodes now and I'm starting on a comic series as of now called "A Lil' Bit of Lamia" featuring Rennie and Jaiden.

I'm writing a book right now called "Felloresian Truth" that should kickstart the whole series as soon as I publish it, but right now it's only in the sorta storyboard phase, I'm writing bits and pieces, and i have around 11 chapters down with the help of my friend.

Take a look at this, this isnt even all of it, we have nearly 3 seasons planned to happen. 


Crazy.. anyways! YEAH 700+ and still growing, this friend i talk about has over 1,200 characters.



ANYWAYS YEAHHH KJLDFHK 700+ and he tells me i need more. damn- his goal is to have 3000, idk what you'd do with THAT many but i still contribute to his effort by making adopts for him to take. he's nuts and i love it. gotta love his enthusiasm. he makes a good sorta leader for this all.

I mean look at this timeline.... BIG BIG BIG BI- he wrote that, yup yup.


well, I totally didn't expact that as an answer lol 

tho that's cool! I too have a story I want to make into something biggest, but still, I try to keep as little characters as possible so I can give them as much attention as possible. I really hate having more ocs than I absolutely need

that's fine! everyone does everything differently! I like stories with very little characters, but i also very very very heavily enjoy stories with a full cast of characters ALONGSIDE a fleshed out memorable cast of background characters :D

well true, but it still amazes me seeing that many ocs

^^ that's ok!