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hey! hru? 

Good! ( just sayn I'm Quirrel_Queen from Scratch: ) You?

thats good! (oh cool) im doin good! have to go to school tomorrow but the weekend has been pog lol. whats up with you? ^^

Um, making a ref for a bby and ate some cake too. Yeah, I'm ready for school to end. Um, anything new with you?? I went to a b-day party yesterday, so that was pretty cool.

oh poggers, that reminds me i should work on making refs too lol. me too man school needs to be over smh, this year in school has been stressful for me haha. i dont rlly do a lot of interesting stuff but i did get to be home alone for a long time on tuesday and that was cool, i can also officially say ive dissected an earthworm and did not tear it to pieces like some other people in my class :p

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