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Um, making a ref for a bby and ate some cake too. Yeah, I'm ready for school to end. Um, anything new with you?? I went to a b-day party yesterday, so that was pretty cool.

oh poggers, that reminds me i should work on making refs too lol. me too man school needs to be over smh, this year in school has been stressful for me haha. i dont rlly do a lot of interesting stuff but i did get to be home alone for a long time on tuesday and that was cool, i can also officially say ive dissected an earthworm and did not tear it to pieces like some other people in my class :p

Lol, yeah. Ikr? I've had a ton of work to do. Me also, I've had not too much happening in my life. I don't think I'm ready to dissect anything yet. I went to this aquerium thing and there was a frog section and I started to cry when I saw this creepy game thing about dissecting. When you touch the pad, it shows the skin and organs peeling back. Eew.

lol i havent dissected a frog yet but my mom ordered the stuff we’re dissecting and she confirmed we’ll be doing a frog so im both looking forward to it and scared. ill probably make my dissection partner do most of that one jsnsnsn

Oh, crap. That sounds lovley. Not really. Lol, I'll probubly do that to when I eventually have to. I haven't been forced to dissect anything yet. Phew. ^^"

lol i kinda enjoyed dissecting the earthworm, though to be fair it doesnt really have organs to see so it wasnt as creepy. good luck dissecting when you get to it >:)

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