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This One:
> ear antenna are stiff and straight, though flexible when bumped
> he carries his ears low, unless on alert
> no eyebrows, just tattoos
> only one iris, tends to be in his left eye, + shaped pupil
> he has claws that match his hair color, they're just hard to see!
> tail has a slight taper to it

> 3-layer outfit: undershirt, jacket, waist compress
> only 2 earrings

> horns are cylindrical diamond-y shapes? <> not just cones; the grooves spiral upwards instead of being coincentric circles
> two protruding fangs on either side, no front teeth
> white stripes on his tongue are the same width; brown ones are progressively longer
> tongue length is kinda arbitrary, just pick something that looks nice

> cape is tapered; it only falls to his midriff on the left, and reaches his thigh on the right. It is off-kilter, as well
> two-layered pants: blue shorts with the longer black pants attached at the belt + around his tail in the back

Other stuff!!
> This One is taller than Calvin by a margin
> Both boys are of a slightly stocky build, though Calvin has less muscle tone and poor posture
> This One's expressions tend to be either a little subtle or alarmingly exaggerated - he has long, sharp canines, if needed ;0
> Calvin uses his tongue as if it's another appendage

These two are close longtime friends and former classmates who spend most of their time together. Calvin used to be a mentor figure for This One, and This One still defers to his authority to some extent, but it's hard to take Calvin that seriously sometimes. Calvin tends towards physical contact to show closeness in a stereotypically masculine way; This One is more distant but more out of hesitation than dislike of the practice.

Calvin is relaxed, casual, and always a little tired. This One appears assertive and poker-faced, but will reciprocate Calvin's antics and has a very sharp wit with a tongue to match.

Both boys act as if they are in their early 20s. They're kinda just well-meaning college assholes lmao