Comments on Looking for characters! Offering stuff All Comments

Hello. I have this:

You may find interest in them as they are designed by someone you follow, have a silver/black palette, have lots of accessories, and are food themed. 

Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you. :)

O.M.G.!!!! I'm so sorry for the outburst, but they look so lovely~!! Absolute dreamie!!! OMG omg what offers are u taking on themm??? I love them so much!!! >u<<33 Their face is so handsome looking and their bird pal is just! Wonderful!!!!!! I! I love snowing's watermark as well, it's so majestical!! I can't believe you'd be willing to give up such a good looking character omg... please get back to me with what you would take for them thank you thank you!!!

I would like to offer. I know this is someone else's offering post but I have decided that this is my number one dream design. Therefore I should have it. I will offer eighty-four points upfront, as well as an exclusive link for your eyes only. Please accept or else.

Sorry, Ixyi. While it fills my heart with utmost happiness to hear you like the design, I can't accept your offer. Eighty-four points would completely ruin my carefully-maintained balance, and the hassle of finding someone to give the extra four to or finding another one point is not worth it. However, the exclusive link intrigues me -- is there any other way I may obtain it? 

Stop reading here, Ixyi; I don't feel like creating another comment for the next part.

Raccoony, I'd love to take that offer! Please let me know what info I need to give you to fulfill it. 

Thank you snowing. Please show me to your dA, I will be sending the one points within one year. Please tell me when it is due.
Also, tell me the character and the plot you would like me to write and all necessary details. I will decide from there.

Please send the points to me here in sensible increments and within the next 208 days. I'd like the fanfiction to be written about me with any plot you want and whatever details you want. Thank you! I look forward to it. 

I as well. The points will be sent sometime soon.

Hello. I have completed the requested fanfiction. Please contact me on Discord with this message screenshotted as your receipt to complete the transaction.

I realize I have competition now,, no worries, ixyi is my friend. , I will add 1 point with payment plan onto her offer, as well as one page of fanfiction written for any character you desire whether I know them or not. AND some edible flowers,,,