Comments on Buy OC For You Event | Closed | All Comments

Firstly I want to say this is extremely nice of you. I don't know of anyone who would be so kind as to buy someone else a character besides myself. I love the good karma that you are doing and in the future hope I can do something like this myself <3

The character I have selected is apart of a closed species.
I absolutely adore this design. The owner had wanted to trade for a rather expensive character and I was down if there was some more art added to their character. I want this character because I want to add them to my Eliomimi Novas story. Make them apart of a small tight knit group that I will love and cherish forever. The design is absolutely beauand I would cry to have it. I've been trying to save up money to get the character but I'm so back up on art I haven't had a chance.
Thank you for this opportunity. It's a wonderful thing you're doing and I hope it inspires others to be as generous.