Comments on 💚 Moss 💚 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

No worries! I’d be happy to do a full body with background for em! 

aw gosh only if you’re sure!!
you don’t need to worry about a background unless you really wanna!

would one of these guys be okay??

Turnip is adorable! Will send a sketch sometime this week!

I'm glad you like her!! :-) also okay!! please take your time I'm in no rush!! 

hiya, just wanted to see if you were still interested!! there’s no rush or anything but I figured it’d be good to check in!

Hey, I’m so sorry for not getting back to you sooner! I’ve been way too busy and haven’t had time to start. If you’d like to move to the next interested person I understand. 

aw I totally understand that, I hope things chill out for you soon! I’m gonna relist them but if you’re still interested later just lemme know!