Comments on remnant vibe / f2u html All Comments Start of Thread Parent

1.  you can do that by copy-pasting the pre-existing code into a new section. the 52-55th line is considered a "section" - just copypaste that under the existing one to add a new section for something like age! i have an example linked here: ; it won't break the code but it will make the box scroll!

2. to change the info that's already there, change the word that you want to change (for example, the last piece of code has a portion named "status") to the desired word. the same goes for what "content" says - the line right under it is the content that matches the name of the information above it!

3. if you want to add an in-code music player that's a bit more complicated, but if you just want to add a linked word like this then the code is <a href="PLACELINKHERE">whatever you want it to say</a>!! this line of code should replace the "content" part of whatever you want it to be.

no issue, hope this is alright!!

Sorry to answer pretty late, I wanted to test if everything was like I excepted ( I didn't make it before this day ). 

Anyway, thank you!