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i dont care if your ice cream designs on your scratch account were simple because HECK THEYRE SO COOL WHAT THE HECK LIKE IF I MADE THE EXACT SAME DESIGN BY YOU I"D JUST LOOK AT IT AND GO CRAP BUT FOR SOME REASON IF YOU DO IT MAGIC FILLS MY EYES WHAT THE HECK THE AMOUNT OF MAGIC HOW- HFUEWOP:FHUOE:LWFH: mindblown anyways ik i already invited you to an ota but i hath another one!1 :D uh any tips on designing 0- o " *sweats*

ALAJLDJLSJSL AA THANK YOUU TOT and oo thank you i'll check it out!! :] 

for designing tips i don't really have any right now but i'll try to come up with some! ;w;

np!! im a huge fan of your designs and art :D