Comments on Do you have AUs for your characters? All Comments

Hmn, the only characters that have AU's are my fan characters from shows and games, like my Pokemon characters and my Starbound ones. However, for anything else, they're simply put into a setting that my RP partner/friend decide on. Generally a pretty generic modern-fantasy world works, or I will mold them to other settings. Like post-apocalyptic, future-fantasy, medieval-fantasy- regular fantasy? Ehh, I guess discussing it as settings is a bit dated. People don't really do that anymore. 

Ohhh I see~~

I didn't really get into making AU's until many rp groups I was in started having AU events. But different settings AU are great~ Like I struggle making worlds from scratch, and establishing a setting makes it much easier to work with when it comes to RPing with others~ 

Yep! It makes it a lot easier and I think it's a good way to have a world shaped by both or everyone that's involved in the RP. c: