Comments on PSA/Beware: Raux+Alts & (Ex)Friends [Update4] All Comments

Another incident; I was in the first server and had to leave.

There was a system for verifying people's age to determine whether they were a minor or not. This was so that only adults would get into NSFW channels. I thought it was a really neat system, and it was one of the original things that drew me in about the server.

It came as a huge surprise when Raux herself began posting genital emoji designs in the general chat, which was NOT gated for minors. They weren't just emojis, either - they were huge vectors that took up most of chat. 

I asked people why it was being posted in general chat, and was met with a lackadaisical response of "well she's the owner, what are we going to do?" from some mods. I noted that it's illegal to show minors nsfw material  and got attacked for it, the bad mods giving the excuse that "drawn porn isn't porn" and therefore doesn't count. (Spoiler alert.... it does. That's why webcomic sites have warnings, too.)

One of the mods actually facepalmed and went "I don't really want to get into this right now..." That implies that had this argument several times before - which, as it turns out in this PSA, they did.

Eventually I lost my patience and explained that seeing these emojis was heavily triggering for me. I have PTSD. This was brushed aside, and I was treated like I was being too sensitive and that this wasn't nearly as big a deal as I was making it out to be.

If adults show a minor graphic NSFW material, as far as I know, all adults involved are liable to be punished, because of guilt by association. I wanted to protect everybody, not just from the material, but from the consequences. Instead, I got ignored, yelled at, and had to leave because I had a panic attack and realized how unsafe the environment was. Truly disappointing.

I like to add more to this story. In the previous We❤️ Adoptables server, there was a time that Raux started posting bad dragon dildos in the general chat (Again, the general chat was supposed to be SFW). Eventually, she marked the general chat as NSFW, but even after this scenario ended and the general was remarked as SFW, if I remember correctly, all the fucking bad dragons were still there. I'm not even sure if she even cleaned out general chat of that (because she had a habit of doing so) before she had everyone move to the Creativity Addicts server or not.