Comments on PSA/Beware: Raux+Alts & (Ex)Friends [Update4] All Comments

I'm glad this was finally posted, and I hope people stay away from this woman.

I have a few more thoughts that I wasn't really able to type into my section, as it had no evidence, but I'd like to discuss them here!

The first one is more of an extension to my part. I mentioned I talked to her in a small interaction a few days prior, and it was in regards to my boyfriend. The way she handled the conversation kind of made it seem like the only purpose was to dig up dirt to send to my ex? Which, she DID end up sending our entire conversation to him, which caused more problems between us. I kind of expected it midway through the convo, which is why I tried to cut it short.

The second one is something that didn't happen to me but something I witnessed. Someone was in the group and had a pink role (I forget the role name) but they didn't like how it was pink? So they spoke about it in general chat to have it maybe removed, because they didn't like pink for very personal reasons, and Raux comes in basically saying oh they're so sensitive, they need to get over it, until they promptly left and the entire general chat was just ragging on the person. It was incredibly rude for a simple request.

These are some of the other things that happened without evidence. If I could get some I would, but unfortunately I didn't think it'd be needed, so I'm sorry!

Overall, just a bad idea to get involved with her. She's either gonna use you or dispose of you later.