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The profile / Idea is under the spoiler! 

Name: Judas
Pronunciation: Jue-Dahs

Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: May 4th 1600's

Gender: Male
Height: 8 1/2 - 9 foot range. Actual height unknown
Weight: 370

Species: Reaper
Nationality: Unknown
Profession: Guardian of Death

Status: Recently resurrected
Mental Stability: Crumbling.
Serious Illnesses: None

Elemental Affinity: -

Personality: Judas is normally relaxed, not one to get into many fights as he watches things go on. He does have a history of suddenly getting aggressive without warning. Often the change can be very sudden, or very gradual. Most of the time, Judas can be easy to get along with, going with the flow of things. However he can be stubborn, and rather oblivious to the obvious if he wishes to ignore things. He's mostly scatterbrained when he's not focused on a task, meaning he may forget about a turkey in the oven or that he left the water running. He had been loosing his mind before his sudden death, and he still somewhat is. He may talk to himself every now and again, however this is honestly rare for it to happen, as he'll stare off into space more often than not.

Likes: Judas simply adores his horses, having 6 of them as his steeds when he needs them, and can often be seen petting one when he's decided to bring one up to the living realm with him. Judas has a fondness for crawling about on walls or ceilings, though it gives him an overall terrifying appearance when in the dark, seeing as only his eyes reflection are visible if a light is flashed on him. Judas enjoys cloudy days, or nights where the moon is unblocked by the clouds.

Strengths/Powers: As a reaper, Judas has the ability to speak with those that are dead, as well as bring souls back to their bodies. He's been shown to have blood that is practically identical to acid, as when his skin is broken, a gelatin pouch holds his blood, where it remains harmless until the pouch is broken, where it will then eat through most, if not everything it touches. When exposed to oxygen, a chemical in his blood immediately congeals it, and gives it a glow in the dark property, where his entire body will begin to glow, acting as a light for when one is needed. 

Oooohhh I really like this, and you have a lot planned out for him! I’ll send him your way!