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I’m aware this comment kind of came out of the blue, sorry about that aaa-

Anyways about the steal game, I didn’t mean to come off as kind of a bit bitchy, sorry if I did come off as that! I just kind of get confused with vague replies, so I ended up putting that disclaimer; which probably ruined the fun for others whoops

But anyways thank you for staying quite civil about it, I really appreciate that.

It's okay love omg. :w; I understand your frustrations and all, believe me I do. It sucks to have someone just say a single word when you've worked hard on a character, but it's unrealistic to expect everyone to have in depth analysis of exactly what they don't want and ect.
But When someone starts to put disclaimers on their posts on a game such as that you're muddying up their opinions if that makes sense. So much so, that the original point of the game starts to get lost in translation. ;w; I really understand where you're coming from, but if you get a shitty response for someone it's honestly for the best to brush it off and try again later, yeah?

and no problem ;w; It doesn't make sense to get all antsy about something that a simple discussion can work out.

Yeah honestly; I’m trying to work on not getting worked up about low effort responses, after all it’s just the TH forums haha. That aside I totally get what you mean, and I’ll definitely keep your reply in mind!

Also yep it doesn’t make much sense to be all antsy over the minor things in life! Stuff does move on after all so yeah

Ah that's good. With such a small userbase you're bound to see a certain few people that don't give out the best responses but it's best to push through and all. I know that some other topics might be able to give you more in depth thoughts on your characters in the forum games. Although personally, I haven't played them myself they seem like something you'd enjoy if you haven't already been participating in them.  And good ;w; I'm glad you understand and I really hope I didn't come off as too crass.

Yeye life moves on and all and it's good to just take thing slow and steady.

(Apologies for replying so much, it just kind of feels a bit awkward to leave conversations hanging)

But yeah I do play other forum games and it feels a bit awkward to keep on expecting extremely in-depth replies from other people on most forum games haha. And don't worry you didn't come off as crass at all!

Oh that's fine, I understand how that is!

But yeye ;w; as long as you keep in mind that people have different ways of responding to everything you'll be good. As long as it's not breaking any rules that is. And good ;w; I always worry about coming off as rude.