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(oh my god its that guy that keeps asking for grub again) okay you know what, FINE!!!! here *hands you a bucket of snails*

OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS, IT'S GRUB HEAVEN! (i start pathetically trying to cup them all into my hands at once as they eventually begin falling back into the bucket when numbers get too high. i start to sweat)

(i stare at you for a solid 5 minutes as you fail to solve the snail dilemma) ............ you can take the bucket with you, if you want-

basket of wagons what a deal! a bucket AND grub! are you serious about this, you're not just pulling my leg?!

its yours my friend, as long as you promise to stop invading my home and taking my leftover salami!!

it's a deal! thank you for the grub kind stranger! (i tip my hat, pictured below)


2 Replies