BJD/Art Doll Thread

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by goldneko

I wanna know about some of your Ball Jointed Doll hobbies or art dolls! I personally am a doll face up artist and am looking to get my own BJD soon! (preferably a Kikipop)

This thread is for irl BJDs, plushies, OOAKs and dolls ONLY! If you have a character who's a BJD with no irl doll, that does not count. If you have a character who got MADE into a BJD, it counts.

I really would like to see and talk about our dolls!



Congrats on your first bjd! As for changing their skin to grey, you pretty much have 2 options! One option is if you have an airbrush, you can airbrush and then paint their faceup on. However, this method is not permanent and is prone to cracking/damaging easily. But it's good if you don't always want the character grey or trying to color match a head and body combo.

The more permanent option is to dye them! There are many guides on how to dye bjds on youtube/DOA each with it's pros and cons on what dyes to use!

As for care tips: definitely get a magic eraser sponge to clean the doll! Just be careful as it does have sanding abilities. While the doll is new, I still say invest in extra elastic and proper stringing tools so you have them on hand when the time comes to restring them! Face masks to protect their faceup is always good, and make sure to take their wig and dark clothes off before you put them away for the night/long periods of time because dark clothes and wigs have a tendency to stain the doll. While most of these stains Can be removed, it takes a lot of scrubbing and can ruin the potential dye job/faceup in the long run.  


CharaRen thank you so much! I don't have an airbrush so I can't use that method u3u" My original plan was to use pan pastels and layer up the grey color. This is the method I use for my monster high skin changes. They work fine and I haven't had any chipping yet. It's all a matter of time and play though. I might use this as a temporary solution if I decide to dye my doll. There's a heavy maybe that i'd like to keep the white skin for another character but I have but I'm not completely sure.

I've heard about the dye technique but I'm scared of messing something up and making the skin too dark or nothing changes! It seems to be somewhat complicated to me but I would really love to keep the soft and smooth texture of the resin. The pastel technique usually makes them somewhat rough to the touch and matte. Maybe if I get enough guts to actually do it, I will uwu"" 


heyo, i hope this is the right question for this thread- 

im planning on doing my first doll repaint but its not a BJD (its some sort of ever after high doll i think?). I've done toy repaints in the past but I was wondering if a) i could use normal colored pencils for the face and b) if i use acrylic paint, if i'd need to seal it. im hoping to just do a simple faceup, and those are the only materials i really have atm for it :')


cinsin yes you can use normal colored pencils! Dipping them in water to get them slightly wet (not damp) can help with pigment. You don't need to seal acrylic paint!


goldneko awesome, thank you so much!


aa its so nice to see a bjd thread!! getting my first bjd and developing a character for her is what led me to creating more ocs and the world they live in now :') this is my girl eiria! this is an old pic and she still desperately needs a wig that actually fits her head >< but i love her sm




thank you!! and she's a jid cecile(who it looks like they don't sell anymore?)! that's so cool you could tell the company straightaway! :o i've been out of the hobby for a bit too, half because if i browse the websites i'll end up adding even more dolls to my wishlist orz


My complaint with Iplehouse is how they'll release all these FIDs but virtually no clothing for them. What's the point, Iple? Did you want me posting naked Iple porn or something? ;D Beautiful JID, BTW, tsumicchi. <3


I used to be into bjd, but I sorta grew out of them ~.~

I drew one of them seldomly, but not too much.

Now I'm trying to find homes for my dolls :,p


HidetoKoudanshi thank you!!!

bandycam oh my your dolls are lovely! i especially love that photo of telyth ^^ and YES gosh my JID is so hard to outfit! none of the clothes that IH sold really fit her character, so I've mostly been taking gambles with clothing from various places lol. shirts are usually okay, but few pants can get past the thighs >< do you have trouble with getting your JIDs to stand? mine never balances quite right..



oof, you'd think being able to stand would be an important thing to consider when making dolls, lmao. eiria can barely sit too, i usually have to prop her up against something which gets to be a pain... eiria has a kind of black/white ouji style but finding tighter pants is near impossible, she may be stuck in stretchy pants forever lol

i got a withdoll recently and was so surprised at how easy she was to pose, i'd just accepted that posing would be difficult but she sits and stand without a fuss! she also fits into a much wider range of clothing but she looks almost comically small compared to eiria despite being the same scale

oh man, now i'm looking at dolls again....time to whip out the endless wishlist