Not associated with this server anymore

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago (Edited 5 months, 28 days ago) by agmd



The server is sewage+rats themed with animecore/2000s emotes sprinkled in! Anyone of any interests, art skills, and backgrounds can join as long as they follow the rules!

Current member count: 380+

Currently ongoing: the owner is not a good person. I'm sorry for promoting this place. We'll have a new server with the regulars here up and without the old owner up soon

All Sewage related art collabs!! Still in process of uploading aggie sessions and other collabs

Hello everyone! My name’s Mike (agasmaskdude) and I help run this server that sp00ked666 (Nick aka the WORST server owner btw) owns! It is a multipurpose server that I can’t really entirely describe this place besides everyone being in here for a different reason! (VCing/Gaming, marketplace reasons, talking in general, or drawing together for example)

What it looks like on the inside (draw for above you channel + jackpot raffle channel missing in screenshot) our current roster of emotes!



We may also self promote ourselves from time to time as a heads up 👍

Verification usually happens when you make a intro and assign yourself roles!

We pretty much have:

- Many roles to pick from! We ping for when voice chats, vibing to music together, gaming events, or when art community drawing sessions happen!

- We host community drawing sessions such as community specific garticphones,'s, drawpiles, and whiteboard foxes! Come draw with us in real time! You’re also welcome to host them as long as you abide by the rules + ping those who might want to join too!!

- We have rules set in place so no one feels ignored when they post art in the art channels!!! It is a part of the rules to react or give back feedback to other artists so please consider this before joining!

- Free art, art trade, and marketplace channels 👍 We also have draw for the person above and we host jackpot raffles (losers draw for one winner) every 1-3 months!

- many many channels for art, memes, bot commands, and general/specific discussion. You can shitpost, send memes, self promote, vent, and such in those channels!

- Games we’ve played together are Left 4 Dead 2, Toontown, Among Us, Don’t Starve Together, Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, Sonic Robo Blast 2, Rivals of Aether, and more!

- Generally a 13+ server!

- We’re always experimenting and taking suggestions and feedback from our members!! 

- Bigger mod team and helpers who let newcomers in faster! They get compensated with art :) to apply for a mod position please head here!





Got my wifi back so ive been slowly updating the collabs section! Consider joining as we’re doing a jackpot raffle where all losers draw for the winner  ^^



Jackpot raffle winner gets drawn tomorrow!! Bump >u< 
