What Are Your Character Profile Pet Peeves?

Posted 2 months, 17 days ago (Edited 2 months, 17 days ago) by Blaklyte

What are your pet peeves when it comes to people creating profiles for their characters? Is there a specific layout you don't like when people use? Not enough words? Too many words?? Or maybe its something as simple as people not giving their characters a profile picture lol.

Personally i get bothered when people use excessive watermarks on the images in a character's gallery, its one thing to want to protect your art, i completely understand that as an artist myself, but. plastering your image top to bottom with a huge watermark at 80% opacity is absurd to me. I cant even see the image at that point :/

I'm simply curious to see what little things people dislike seeing in a character page. Don't signal anyone out and be civil. Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean everyone must abide to a specific standard!

Wanna talk about aspects of a character profile you like? Check out this thread's counterpart!


I agree with the watermark thing. when images are over watermarked what's the point of even having the image in the gallery if you don't want it to be seen. My biggest pet peeve, which i'll be the first to admit i'm totally guilty of, but it is when people don't have any sort of info in the profile, even just a few short snippets of info make a whole lot of difference.


- I agree on the watermark thing, to the point you can not see the character. But I also especially dislike it when the watermarked images are used in the profile layouts. this looks really horrible D: Those watermarks are also super distracting 

- I have CSS off now, but- when CSS removes the bottom gallery + the character menu. I wanna get to the gallery please, this is making it annoying

- also CSS related, when the images are tiny. (the gallery thumbs). a lot of people downsize them for a cute aesthetic and I hate it.
- on a similar note, randomly zoomed in character gallery thumbs. I have seen profiles where the all art is zoomed in on the thumbnail in random areas, or always the face, eyes while the gallery actually consist of fullbodies and scenes... you just can't tell at first glance and the whole character looks like it exists in head form, which I find very frustrating when browsing , especially as a fullbody, scenery fan. Clicking and loading every single image to find out if there is more is.. ugh

- cluttered code. complex, decor animated HTML. (lately, a lot of font awesome animations are included in codes too) that, in combination with a ton of information and text... is a nightmare. I don't mind a lot of text at all, if nicely laid out and put into paragraphs, but this is giving me the hardest time.


Pagedolls. The ones coded to stick to the screen instead of scrolling with the page and obscuring parts of the profile, menus, buttons and other stuff on the screen drive me nuts. I usually end up blocking the images whenever I come across them if I'm browsing from my computer.

As someone that only uses the dark site theme, custom text colours that aren't compatible/readable on the theme. Either the text colour is too dark, or it's the white default text on a custom coded white/very light colour background.


I don't enjoy pagedolls that don't scroll with the page (they're cute but always block other stuff!)  
Also, profiles that have 10 buttons for different things but they're hard to find or they just look like icons so you never actually click them bc it looks like they're just decorations lol

Edit; hewrsrkewahrkaw double posted, sorry


no basics section :( if i have to go to a characters backstory to figure out what the fuck they do all day im clicking off. yeah cool i know theyre outgoing and joking what. what do they do. are they a criminal do they work at starbuck are they a god damn priest are they on a magical quest given to them by a wizard all of these could be true and i am not reading a full background to figure it out


Agreed with the watermarks, if I can't see your image through the watermark, what's the point of even having the image uploaded? This especially irks me when people post those characters on my freebie threads, I'm not going to write you to ask for a visible reference for free art, I'll just skip over that character.

Also, (this is definitely a me thing, but) I don't like when people crop every image in a characters gallery so close in that it's just a face. So I have to click on every. single. image. just to see the whole thing. I ain't doin that. I'll just assume your character has 200 headshots and move on. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess it's a very me thing but when they put all the character info on a color that's barely visible on night mode, my eyes hurt trying to read them 😔 or characters with 0 info, like not even pronouns, job and stuff like that, just an empty profile


scrolling boxes inside scrolling boxes 😭


custom css that is a different layout from the toyhouse default!!!! I've seen too many pages where I can't even find the gallery tab or oc owner/designer, why does anyone think that's a good idea I'm not gonna try and navigate your labyrinth of a profile just to find basic info I'm just gonna click off lol 😭

also when people set images that aren't an accurate representation of the character as their profile pic. obviously you're allowed to do what you want with your oc profiles just know that if you have pages of characters that all have symbols, memes, black+white art or art with really dark lighting, etc. as their pfp i won't be clicking on them 🥱


While i've made this slip-up several times myself, my biggest one is people not checking if their text & colors work on all themes, especially since there's tools out there that let you check without needing to change your theme onsite (CJ's code editor has it as an option, & I'm pretty sure there's a userscript floating around that adds the ability to check onsite)

Also, warning misuse. I've long disabled warnings due to the sheer amount of people who use it as a DNI-TOS-BYF-Advertisement board but it's doubly annoying when it's done in character warnings like dog if you want people to see your trade rules etc. stuff that in the main profile, not in the part of the site 1/2 the userbase has disabled because we're sick of seeing 1000+ word DNIs before knowing if there's gore on the page


Personally I dislike TOO much info on a character, I’m talking like I’m scrolling and scrolling and WHERE is the gallery?????

I understand wanting to display the work you’ve put into your character but maybe make it a tab that can be clicked and scrolled thru for people who genuinely want to read it.
things that are important to me when looking at a character bio is gender, age, and general important traits they have so I know what to draw ;; but then again, some people may find my bios too long too so I guess it’s relative 


It really bothers me when a character has a long, elaborate theme, but it's just full of filler text. I'll read the profile if it's there, but I don't want to have to scroll past a ton of lorem ispum.


As someone who is guilty of having stuck page dolls, unfinished profiles and some very full profiles too, I obviously don't agree with all of those - which I don't have to ofc! 

I do agree with the CSS thing though as one or my biggest ick. Searching for the toyhouse menu is like the most annoying thing ever. 

 The zoomed in previews of the image are also annoying to me, although I do have that on occasion too, since i haven't found a way for it to be aesthetic but still a functional... thumbnail :( any ideas? Pls help.