🌈 LGBT+ OCs discussion thread

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 21 days ago) by fuelli

Hi! Following some discussion in the "TH pet peeves" thread, I've decided to create a discussion thread specifically dedicated to discussion around LGBT+ OCs. This is not a "show me..." thread (I'm sure there's plenty of these in Character Discussion already), it's a thread where you can share your thoughts or ask for advice!

Share your thoughts: Ramble about your experience with LGBT+ OCs and give ideas and tips to other OCs creators! Venting about negative experiences or tropes is allowed, but try to be constructive! Talk about things you want someone with an LGBT+ character to explore, how this character could be more relatable or realistic, or how a character that fits a caricature or stereotype could be given more depth.

Ask for advice: Share your character ideas or profiles and ask for feedback, or ask a more specific question about something you're unsure about! However, please try to make research before posting, as there are lots of resources and tips available already. LeoLeonis has created a Google Doc masterlist listing all topics that have already been mentioned and info that has been given on here; give it a look if you have doubts! I'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Feel free to ping me if things heat up or if anything needs to be added in the OP. Have fun, and please keep things civil ♄

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uhhhh aha-

okay im just gonna lay a fire blanket on that- i dont wanna input on uh.. whatever was going on there-


BUT- anyways- I wish i could see more characters with the lesser known lgbt identities! I myself am Aporagender and anytime i hear about someone via character or person that is also a lesser known identity it just makes me really happy! dont get me wrong though, everyone is valid, It's just nice to see characters who are part of the + aswell and it makes my heart warm ^^

v louder for the people in the back   


huge agree on wanting more good trans masc/pre transition rep. I‘ve always been nervous about portraying my trans characters as anything other than 100% cis passing except for maybe a binder or some top surgery scars out of fear of being accused of transphobia/fetishising, which is fucking ridiculous because I’m trans + pre everything myself. mad respect to people who do feel comfortable doing this because god I wish that could be me. My trans characters all feel like cis people lite u_u

people love to cry transphobia over sexualised trans characters but honestly it feels... more transphobic to me to insist all trans people are celibate pure innocent babies. if something is okay for cis characters to do it’s okay for trans characters too. especially when most people making “sexualised” trans OCs are trans themselves. 

I feel like masc leaning trans people are hugely underrepresented in media in general- not that trans fem people are oversaturated by any stretch of the imagination but I can at least think of some decently written and positively portrayed trans fem characters in media, and I can’t think of a single canon trans masc character. side note: if anyone knows of any good media with well written trans masc characters PLEASE let me know. I love my trans headcanons but I am starving for some good canon rep.


nyainou, and cryptocorvid I am shaking your hands...đŸ€đŸ€đŸ€ I want more trans rep that's not just watered down and purified for cis consumption. I have a number of trans man ocs myself and even though I sometimes commission nsfw of them, I'm terrified to post it for fear of someone coming after me for fetishizing my characters. Which is such a silly fear on my part!! but I've seen it happen to plenty of popular artists and writers over the years. right now I'm commissioning a NSFW piece of my OCs Akira (pre op trans man) and Mukuro, and the artist gave the option for Akira to be pre or post-top surgery, which I thought was awesome, not having to Ask for it but having the artist ask me my preference on him! (The art is looking fantastic btw I'm so hype for it. I hope I can actually post this one once it's done. )


Any tips, suggestions or things you dislike on writing poly or open relationships?

I'm thinking of making 3 of my characters be in a relationship, makes total sense for them to be. I still need to do a lot of research on this topic before being sure I can do that in a way that is not bad, but yeah.

and there is a couple of characters of mine that are in a kinda open relationship, like, their rules are basically not getting romantically involved whit someone else and to get sexually involved whit someone they both need to discuss it before and agree. Don't know if this is something I can call an open relationship, but I want opinions about it and this is the only thread that seems fitting for the topic.

none of these characters have info on Toyhouse yet because of laziness :'), pls don't mind that. If ya have questions about them fell free to ask me (pm me or ping me in the tread)


I completely agree with nyainou and cryptocorvid. I have many trans characters, and I've been criticized for making my characters too gender-nonconforming, but as someone who is trans and also gender-nonconforming, I think it's really important to have representation for that.


bumping this because its an important thread and i think it should be towards the top!!


Agreed with nyainou and cryptocorvid. I have some trans characters that are gnc (didn't upload some of them here, I think), and boy I'm glad that no fools have tried to debate about how they don't "pass" or how theyre too girly/boy-ish to be trans.

And BOY do I have many many villain LGBT/MOGAI characters. I love writing villains/antagonists, and it feels fun to give them a part of myself or to give some representation on it. I try to avoid stereotypes at all costs, or even re-do them so they're not damaging and instead something to be proud of.


Hello. No time to read what's being discussed, but want to throw my bit in anyway. So, I'm a trans male who's ace/bi, and I write historical fiction and saga style high fantasy. For me, trying to find waves to wave LBGT+ characters into those genre is very important as well as frustrating. Historical fiction is difficult for fairly obvious reasons, however, what I can't understand is why a character's gender identity/sexual orientation/romantic orientation must be a plot relevant thing. Like, can't it just be part of who the characters is even if it needs to be a secret?

The protagonist of my Victorian Era (1849/50) is a bi Royal Navy lieutenant who enjoys crossdressing and is in a poly relationship. Yet, no of that is horribly important to the plot, which is a blend of survival/adventure and court room drama. Yes, he needs to keep a part of his identity hidden, but that's not what the story is about. I treat his sexuality as a fact and move on with the plot. His wife's best friend is lesbian and married to a man who's aro/ace. I've scattered many other characters who are on the LBGT+ spectrum throughout the story. Yet, that's still not what the plot is about.

I want books were the characters being LBGT+ is secondary to the plot. Books about characters who happen to be part of the community, but that's not overly relevant information. Does anyone else fell this way?

PS: I'd add stuff about my high fantasy, but there's so many characters that I'll have to ask you to DM/PM me if you want information.



Hello, I'm a guy trans. Don't worry about seeming invasive, I can't spark for other trans people but I can say I'd rather you ask questions then mess up. Overall, a lot depends on age, where you live, and parental consent. Would you be up for talking over DM/PMs? One could call some of the information you'd like 'sensitive', so I'd rather not post publicly. 



Of course! I'm usually pretty open to discussing in PMs so go right ahead if that makes you feel more comfortable!


You know what we need more of? Trans4trans ocs. I'm tired of trans x cis pairings, like you do you I'm not calling you problematic I love that yall have fun but I'm just tired of it on a personal level. As someone in a t4t relationship, I wanna see more stuff like this cause its great. Just a deeper level of understanding y'know

Also I'm sure this sounds weird but I want fully transitioned trans ocs too. I swear to god, the amount of people I've seen say they never even knew bottom surgery existed until someone said their oc had it, well the fact that it happened multiple times is WEIRD right? Makes you realize how all representation, no matter how small, can positively impact somebody and teach them something new.

I will also say I'm open for DMs. I'm a nonbinary lesbian, I'm out to some people IRL, and I'm taking a half dose of testosterone to become totally androgynous. So I definitely have some life experiences to share. I can't answer name changes or surgery questions because I'm still saving up for those but ye


-I really wanna see more trixic, toric, feminamoric, viramoric, etc. OCs. I have a few that I'm working on developing for a future series, but I don't really see it anywhere else except for on Instagram. The flags are really pretty and I just- jkfdnsmn 

-One main thing I would also love to see an improvement on are OCs who don't make being a part of the community their entire personality. Yes! They can take pride in their identity, but to have it be their whole personality, or just exist to be that one "token LGBT" character.. just throws me off.

-Masc gay men and fem lesbian women. I see so many masc gays and femme lesbians left out because they feel they aren't visible in their own communities, so seeing characters that fit those descriptions just dfksnds aH-

-Tbh I rlly wanna see more bisexual characters with partners of non-binary identities. I only have one OC relationship like this, but it would still be really nice to see more of, especially with me being non-binary and bisexual myself!

I would type out more but I can't think of anything else atm.



-Masc gay men and fem lesbian women. I see so many masc gays and femme lesbians left out because they feel they aren't visible in their own communities, so seeing characters that fit those descriptions just dfksnds aH-

Interesting! I feel like feminine lesbians are more popular in mainstream media, whereas butch lesbians are the ones left out. Maybe there's an overcompensation in OCs because of that?

-Tbh I rlly wanna see more bisexual characters with partners of non-binary identities. I only have one OC relationship like this, but it would still be really nice to see more of, especially with me being non-binary and bisexual myself!

I have a pan+non-binary couple, if that counts lol