Roleplaying Rules

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

The rules of roleplaying are pretty straightforward, and mostly just based around politeness towards other members.

  1. Treat all members how you want to be treated, regardless of their involvement in the group. Being a part timer or a guest doesn't make them less deserving of respect. We don't approve of any discrimination or bullying, act like mature adults.
  2. On that note, Vari-A is not a mature forum, anyone can join, so if you want to roleplay anything more dubious or steamy, please take it somewhere else and enjoy it where no innocent eyes may accidentally stumble across it. 
    1. Exceptions to this include dark backstories, vague or subtle references to such things, et cetera. They can be a part of your stories, but don't go writing them out in detail here. 
  3. You can put our competitions and events into your roleplays, but if you do so please stick to the actual outcomes. Don't say a character became a Jewel model if they didn't, or won a contest that they never participated in. 
    1. However! You can submit writing and roleplay excerpts in place of artwork for contests and events. 
  4. BE NICE. Vari-A accepts all races, genders, and ages into their staff. Characters don't have to all be friends, but make sure that you don't get caught bullying other people's models without their consent, and never, ever harass other members if you want to stay a part of Vari-A
Other than that, just have fun.