Unofficial ToyHouse Server

Posted 5 years, 1 day ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Shinsou

unofficialy toyhouse

After creating a server mainly aimed at coding help, I realised people are more interested in playing with the Discord Bots and sharing/discussing their art. All the servers I've seen either only cater to one specific group of artists or are dead, so a few friends and I decided to create a Discord server featuring all corners of ToyHouse.

There's a spot for any ToyHouse user, whether you're only interested in games, art sharing or just collecting memes.

There's a category for each forum, as well as one for Discord Bots like Pokecord and Tatsumaki. 

Self assignable roles, including pronouns, role colours and just your basic hobby roles such as artist and coder.

Each section will be Moderated by set Mods who are knowledgable within the area. 



I love this idea for a TH discord server. I am not really interested in being a mod but I joined nonetheless!


I'm interested, but will state that I've been extremely uncomfortable in servers where any minors were mods/admins/ect, as well as servers that are too fast? I like to actually read messages, not miss several in the blink of the eye most of the time.

That out of the way, I am potentially interested in helping where I'm able. I've modded/been an admin in servers both large and small, and had just about the full gambit of experiences that it encompasess.


i'll definitely join!! being a mod seems cool but i have other responsibilities that would make it difficult for me so i'll have to pass for now.


id love to join as a member !


I'll join as a member.


Im interested. Is it still open?