The MINECRAFT thread

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by gummy


Im surprised nobody has made a thread for minecraft considering the game is getting popular again and is also all around super fun.

So basically, this is a thread to talk about minecraft. Share cool stuff you made, or post your minecraft server, perhaps? (I would LOVE to make a th server. ill get to it eventually :pensive: ) Minecraft videos are cool too. Scream about minecraft. its a good game.




I made a realm for me and some friends and the spawn it gave me is really good. First of all it spawns right next to a village which is quite big. Its mostly a farming village, so its good for finding wheat and potatoes. And if you do decide to dig straight down for some reason there is a big mineshaft system right underneath it. . The nether is also super fucking dope with a nether castle very close to the portal if you place the portal on spawn!

Me and my friend were mining outside of their home too and we immediately found diamonds right away too it was very epic. Only gripe with the seed is that the closest ocean biome is very far away which makes finding ocean monuments and ships hard,but its still a good seed if u want a good spawn.

 if any of yall want a good seed ill leave it here for you minecraft gamers B-)

seed: -63505045514314107 ( i think i put it in right asdfgh)


*heavy breathing* bees. bees. oh my gosh they added bees. I didn't know this thread existed and I  need to share my love for the bees I'm going to lose my mind I lovE BEES AND I JUST GOT BACK INTO MIENCRAFT AND BEES sdhfisufhdsiufhs bees


WispyWoods WipsyWoods BEES?

I am gonna accidentally kill one, get 7 million bees behind me, and be very sad over killing such a docile creature

Today I made my first actual one-button redstone farm thingie and I couldn't be prouder. It's ugly as hell and probably won't work as well as I like, but I am happy.


ElithianFox (watch my username, it's a nightmare and not spelt how you think but don't worry because it's fine hhfdsuifhsi)

SAME I just wanted to pet them but I hurt them and I can and will cry like dangit I just want to HUG you you're so ROUND and CUTE!


WipsyWoods WHOOPS, my mind switched those letters and turned it into a word I'm more used to seeing, my bad bvjchgvhbk that person must've gotten quite a few misdirected pings

  • Bees help you by growing crops while carrying pollen back to the nest
  • Bees can be bred using flowers
  • Bees like sharing the location of their favorite flowers with other bees

GOD I love them so much already, we can be friends with them

I am making a giant apiary to accommodate them 👀


ElithianFox Don't worry about it! And they've been inactive for months and I kind of hope it stays that way, I don't want to know how many pings they have at this point hsdufsdfj

YES I don't care about everything else in 1.15, I'm making an apiary and I'm having a giant farm and tons of flowers and my house is a 3x3 dirt box because I use all my materials making it and I don't care about anything if doesn't go towards my apiary. BEES ONLY save file


Wait wait wait 1.15 is already out-


No it’s not out yet, the bees are in a snapshot version of Minecraft for de bugging :( Purrve-Ball


gummy oh ok, i thought it was already released.


hey i found a seed in the new snapshot that has a witch hut south of spawn

seed: 4811158312695741723


Someone drop their server I need people to play wit


we have a server called JagreCraft (did I spell that right) it's still a giant WIP (our server lobby isn't finished yet... sad) but it should be open for people 

i'm co-owner(L_E_N_A_) and my friend Crimson_Coordinate own the server


also i hope you like the server lobby i built it myself.


Just bought Minecraft for my laptop (Windows 10 Bedrock)

Got Bedrock over Java because it's smoother and I don't really care about redstone or debug which is what Java has better than Bedrock.

I'm really excited!


Does anyone know how to transfer a world from mobile Bedrock to computer Bedrock? Mojang says Realms but I'm not willing to pay to do it (my trial is already used.)


Did they make Mending more common or am I just lucky?