Your Weird Pregnancy Cravings, But..

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by Seraphine

You're not pregnant whatsoever, or if you are, either or.
Not sure if there is a thread for this yet I just want to try some of y'alls funny combo's since I kinda think of myself to be the king of weird food

One of my new favorites is ketchup sandwiches


I put ketchup, between two slices of bread, and either microwave it for 30 seconds or waffle iron it

trust me, its good.

what do you guys like? Throw all the weird crap at me


So, I recently found out that the surgery I've had and will have can permanently alter tastes.  So that's fun.

-Anything dipped in Blue Cheese dressing.  Even granola bars.  I've had my friends confiscate my lunch because of this...

-I can't stand anything too explicitly sweet, like bubble tea.  Chocolate is fine in moderation

-canned tuna mixed with sour cream, salt, garlic, and chopped veggies.  Just eat that mix straight

- nstant ramen with peanut butter melted in.  My brother begs me to make it not

-all da fish


i have a hot sauce problem. i put it on everything. my toast, pasta, in soup. sometimes when I'm feeling extra I will eat a bag of chips/popcorn and individually dip each piece in hot sauce before i eat it (yes I know spicy chips exist. i have a problem eating too much of those too). i was considering the other day about putting it on ice cream but the last time i went to the grocery store they were out.


i keep sticking fries and shakes now and i don't know why because it's not even that great but i can't stop


Hot sauce in EVERYTHING. I usually make smoothies for breakfast. I put hot sauce in those. Eggs? Hot sauce. Fruit? Hot sauce. Sometimes I just eat it off the spoon.

Also really craving Starbucks. Like, anything from Starbucks. 


I've heard that if you have particularly "weird" or strong cravings, that you may have a vitamin deficiency. I'm not sure if that's scientifically accurate or just something I misremembered, though, so feel free to ignore that. It checks out for me at least, because I have had vitamin deficiencies several times, and after one consistent period of craving raw steak, I found out I had a deficiency in one vitamin that is found in red meat.

Anyway, I am somewhat a connoisseur of shitty food. I realized this when a lot of shitty/cursed food pics actually look good to me. Including the ones posted of hot dog/meat jello, but that might be because I'm Russian and there's a Russian dish called Холодец (holodets) which is basically just meat gelatin/aspic. I don't understand why people are so freaked out about it, but I guess it's one of those cultural things.

A recent combination I found is delicious is vanilla custard and salt and vinegar chips. Specifically custard with a more pudding like consistency (If it's too thick or too watery it's not going to work as well, it needs to be smooth) - and Pringles chips or an offbrand version. The stronger the salt and vinegar flavor, the better. The combination came to be when I had some store-bought custard pots and some chips laying around and I couldn't decide between them, so I had both, and dipped the chips into the custard. The salty and sourness of the chips and the sweet vanilla compliment eachother!

Other favorites include: chicken nuggets dipped in chocolate sauce, prawns/shrimp seasoned with five-spice powder, grilled cheese with five-spice powder, basically anything with five-spice powder and/or black pepper because it makes any food more interesting, and barbecue sauce on anything. Sweet or savory.


I'm not sure if this counts but I will eat blocks of raw ramen. Just because. Like right now I just want to go in the pantry, grab a packet, and just bite into it like its a chocolate bar. This divides my friend groups between people who think its super weird (and they're right) and people like me who like it. (Brb off to find some)


strawberries in ranch. I promise it's good


@Arkin The microwave is my best friend, esp with covid lmao

Dw i at LEAST eat about 10 eggs a day, main source of protein

and because i need the biggest omelettes. OP omelette.

ScaledSeraph Nw it's true, my body just craves everything
especially if someone else is having it LOL
thankfully im deficient in no vitamins since i have to get checked up about 3 times a week well before covid HAHAaaaa

i fricken love salt n vinegar chips in custard, we have salt n vinegar Ritz crisp and thins, sprinkle those bad boys crushed up all over it, mmm
i really love anything with chocolate sauce, pickle chocolate sauce sandwiches are rockin

i would drink hot sauce, my life blood
hot sauce in ginger ale is oddly good too?? Just the bubbly hotness, it fills me with DETERMinaTion


ketchup spread on bread as if it's nutella baby


Already posted that my guilty pleasure is sliced pickles on a grilled cheese sandwich dipped in tomato bisque, but today I got made fun of hardcore because my favourite pizza is pineapple and anchovies.


This one isn't that weird but milkshakes or Frostys with fries.  And cajun seasoning on sweet potato fries.


I seriously crave to sniff fresh / water-logged sponges.


I crave the following:

-Ranch with chicken nuggets and fish sticks, best combo

-Milkshake or ice cream with fish sticks or chicken nuggets, best combo as well

-Cheese + Ramen and bONUS: Rice cakes

-Eggs and tomato dishes

-Cookies and cream ice cream

-Starbucks because I have never had it until recently when i finally convinced my mom to buy me it more often I’m sorry for being uncultured 😭 /lh /hj


Alfredo pasta + chicken , with ketchup

Literally an affront on god but I crave it 🤕