what theme do you use and why?

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by plantghost

i use the pink one! simply because i think its the prettiest and goes best with the coding for one of my characters~


Pink, can't stand the contrast of the secondary color on the other themes, which sucks since this is the only site I don't have on night mode. 


pink is the best color because, pink is the best color,


I alternate between pink velvet snake which is the one im using rn and pink is just the best colour, i just really like the colour pink lol so i think they look nice


I also use the dark theme. I think it looks pretty cool and it doesn't hurt my eyes as much.


I use the dark theme (I think it’s called Teal? I haven’t checked in awhile)

I use dark mode on any website I can. It’s a lot easier on my eyes and I just like the look of it better. I also like grey/blue/teal colors schemes


Bee movie is the easiest on my eyes. The other dark themes still kinda hurt my eyes sometimes, I like the warmer/softer grey/brownish color of the bee movie theme


i use teal. because it is clearly the superior color

it is actually my favorite color, and the purple goes well with it :-) also it's dark


I use bee because its easiest on my eyes (I wake up at ridiculous early times haha)


I use the light pink as it's easier on my eyes. I'm autistic so really bright or extremely contrasting colors hurt my eyes something awful. The pink setting is nice and dull. The original toyhosue one hurts my eyes too. Wish that they would allow non-premium users to choose their own colors. Not even designs, but allow them to change the color so it isn't as straining on the eyes.