what theme do you use and why?

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by plantghost

i use the pink one! simply because i think its the prettiest and goes best with the coding for one of my characters~




I think people mean the "According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a b" one when they say bee so... bee? For me its the most comfy for my eyes (along with night), and I like the "natural" feeling it gives me :)


Default. I always had it and my eyes are adjusted to it so changing it now would just feel wrong.


Pink theme. Mostly because it grew on me and it doesn't feel right to change it which makes the others a sore to my eyes now oof. Also the coding I did is well yeah.. suited to such a theme and I'm too lazy to change it qwq 

The cons are def warnings are even more of a pain to sift through lmao.


black theme. because the default theme straight up burn my eyes


The default, it goes well with my pagedolls and the darker themes hurt my eyes. (Light text against a dark background is a no-go for me I don’t like it)


i Wish i could use the pink one but my monitor is huge and i have sensitive eyes so i'm on the "teal is the superior color" one, it's like dark mode with a little extra flavor and personality. best of both worlds, sorta


night mode is good for the eyes :)


i like using the teal theme because dark mode is dope B)


night because i respect my eyes


Teal because it's clearly the superior theme   /j