da help?

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by plantghost

hey so i have never used deviant art, like ever. And i want to start so i can get my adopts more seen. Ive been told i need to put them in groups, but i don't know how to do that? can anyone help me with that or give me any other tips? :)


if you want to submit your adopt to other groups, all you need to do is click on the “MORE” tab on the top left corner near the DA logo

  • then you can just search for an adopt group of your choice by typing it in the search bar. I’d recommend the ones with the highest watcher count since you’ll get more people seeing it. If you want to sort through the highest watcher count, you’ll see a sorting tab to your left, if you scroll down, you’ll see WATCHERS , then just click on the highest one (AKA 10 000 and above)

  • After you’ve chosen a group you wanna join, just click on the “Join our Group” button, its shown twice on the group page so It should be easy enough to spot. You’ll be prompted with a screen that says “Request to Join this Group”. You don’t need to fill out the box, but if you’d like to make sure, you can read the rules of the group and see for yourself. Then just click on submit request. You should receive a notification about being accepted to the group pretty quickly.

  • with all of that done, you should be able to go to Gallery, and choosing a folder where your adopt should belong in. (unless the group you’ve chosen has a different layout. I’d recommend looking at the rules to see what belongs in each category). To submit an adopt, just go to the folder you’d like to submit your adopt to, click on “contribute to this folder”, and select the adopt file you want to submit, click submit and it should be submitted. It might take a while for it to be accepted but after it’s been submitted and accepted, you should get a notification saying that it’s been accepted. If the folder does not have the contribute button, then it’s most likely full. There should be an extra of that specific folder (like “insert folder name” 2), but if there isn’t, try finding a folder with a similar fitting to your adopts. You can always just jove on to another group if you aren’t sure.

  • Some groups may auto accept submissions as well though, the pop up that you receive after you’ve submitted your adopts should say if it’s been accepted , or if it’s awaiting approval. Wit all of that done, you’ll get more people seeing your adopts! There’s been a recent change to DA’s layout recently, but I think it still works like this. If you ever receive a different message, let me know!
You can also use tags as well! While submitting an image, you’ll see a box with “Enter new tag”, just type in whatever you want, it’s just like Instagram, all you have to do is put a # in front of any word and it should categorize it (ex: #cat , #adoptable , etc). you can use tags like UFS (Up for Sale) or UFT (Up for Trade), I think people use those tags more so I think you’ll get more people seeing your adopts by using those tags as well.

Hope this helped ^ v ^ , lmk if you need more help!