Team Sugar Master List!

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 9 months ago) by xmoriartea

So I see a ton of folks posting calls for one team or the other to attack and pages of people just linking their AF to one big list but I don't believe I've seen threads for the individual teams. I thought it would be a helpful way for people to slap down their links and let people from the other team scroll quickly through to find someone to attack!

So if you're part of Team Sugar please link your AF below!

Team Spice Master List Here


Im on team sugar! will be posting attacks as soon as the site starts working again

Tegmelko I'll try to attack back everyone !

i will try and attack back no matter what! it might take until next year, depending on how late i get an attack, but, still..! lol
i will also attempt to draw anything yay :3


Gonna try attacking everyone back!


finally a team hub thread, it's a mess looking for peeps to attack through 5313354 threads that are now all over the forums here lmao


My AF is Skykristal 

I can't do anything rn,  the site isn't loading and is giving me one billion errors and because of that I also can't check y'all out and save characters from the opposite team.  As soon as the site decides to work a little smoother I'll do stuff.  

Ngl this always kinda destroys the fun...  I can't browse or do anything on this site because too many are visiting 


I'm on sugar!

I also have a tag here on toyhouse for reference while the site is down :-)


i follow back! and i will try to return all attacks! tagged characters here on toyhouse since the website is down! 


I accept friendly fires but I'm more likely to revenge people on team spice! 

Backup references for my characters for when the site is down (DM me for the TF2 OCs, I didn't tag them because their references are outdated on here)



Team Sugar here! Will attack back if attacked. Prolly will tag the characters I put on AF just in case the site keeps dragging.