Questionare for 3DS owners

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Stormeko

Is the 3DS your favorite console?

32 Votes Yes!
80 Votes One of my favorites, but not top fav
28 Votes Somewhere in the middle
16 Votes Not really, but not my least fav
3 Votes Not at all

Had to get a new 3DS yesterday because my old one had battery issues. I was able to transfer over my stuff and remembered how much I played the Mii Plaza games. So it made me think of some questions. You don't have to answer all of them.

1.) When did you first get a 3DS?
2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?
3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?
4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?
5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?
6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?
7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)
8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?
9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?

That's all I could think of. Thanks for reading!

My answers are below

1.) When did you first get a 3DS?
I don't remember the year. I know I got it as a Christmas gift I got to open a day early. It was before Pokemon X & Y came out.
2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?
Since it was a gift I didn't get to choose the game. It was that Steel Divers or whatever the submarine game is called. I think the first one I got to choose was Nintendogs _ Cats.
3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?
I'm biased toward the Pokemon games. Other than that I love Ever Oasis.
4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?
Fire Emblem Awakening. Friends thought I'd like it. I also didn't like the submarine game.
5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?
My first ones were normal. I've had blue, purple, and red. Red's battery went bad and now I have a Mario and Lugia XL since that's the only one they had.
6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?
Physical copies. Virtual copies take up too much space. I do like getting smaller games from the eshop though.
7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)
I played with all of them back when I had my blue one. Sometimes I'll play Face Raiders. I like playing the fishing AR game the most.
8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?
I can play the Mii Plaza for hours. I like almost all the games. I like Puzzle Swap, Flower Town, Warriors Way, and Monster Manor the most.
9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?
I've gotten them all. Most are fun x3


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?
2012 I believe? Just awhile after they gave away free games for some reason I forget.

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?
Super Street Fighter IV

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?
Probably Omega Ruby.

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?
I got Ocarina of Time 3D, and yeah I knew I wasn't really big on it before I got it, but still did. I later got to trade it in with another game to get GTA V at half price so it paid off in the long run.

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?
The original model in Black, though it isn't usable cause the back swelled up from the battery going wonky after not using it for ages or something. If I plug it in, it works but I don't really trust that battery to do so.

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?
I always just did physical for the few games I got.

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)
At first cause I only had like a game or two, but yeah not for long after that. Pretty neat stuff.

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?
Didn't even know those were a thing.

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?
See above.


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?
When Zelda OoT was released on it. Only reason I got it at the time!

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?
OoT haha.

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?
... OoT or Pokemon X.

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?
The weird Animal crossing house designing game.

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?
The Zelda OoT collectors 3DS.

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?
Physical all the way!

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?

i got it at launch because i really wanted the ocarina of time remake, lol. my grandmother got me the game for christmas but gave it to me early out of the case as long as i promised to pretend it was still in the box when i opened it so my grandfather wouldn't be annoyed.

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?

OOT remake!

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?

uhhh, quite a lot of them... fire emblem: awakening is a big forever fave, as well as pokemon Y, and the 3DS era of ace attorney... fire emblem: shadows of valentia, bravely default, and so on. it was a really good era for games for someone like me who mostly plays RPGs!

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?

stares directly at conception II

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?

right now i have the hylian shield new nintendo 2DS! my first was a red original 3DS, then a purple original 3DS, which i eventually traded in to get my current one when the "new 3DS" line came out. the 3D feature aggravates my migraines and i liked the hylian shield design so i went for the 2DS instead.

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?

mostly virtual copies. at the time that the 3DS came out, i lived in the middle of absolute nowhere, where the nearest game store was like an hour away and didn't stock anything but most popular titles anyway. unless a physical copy has special editions with bonus stuff like art books i don't really care.

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it?

only for the couple of days before i had an actual game for it lol

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?

not unless miitomo counts, no

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?

^ same as above


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?

I wanna say...about the end of 2015? My friend sent me his extra 3ds otherwise I would've never gotten the oppertunity to get one

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?

Animal Crossing New Leaf (my friend sent it with the 3ds)!! The first one I bought was Persona Q though.

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?

Shin Megami Tensei IV

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?

Not really, no.

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?

Just a regular one

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?

Physical. I have a few virtual games though, SMT IV and Pokemon Gold. 

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)


8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?

Not really

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?



1.) When did you first get a 3DS?
 At its highest price point; I've got that cool certificate and all those "free" NES/GBA games lol.

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?
 I don't, but looking at the notable 2011 games, it was either Mario 3D Land (RIP it got caught in a fire and never replaced), Ocarina of Time 3D, or Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
Actually Pokemon B&W was also listed; now that I remember I think it was replacing my DS whose battery was shot so bad it wasn't worth taking anywhere anymore, and my DSLite which has some physical motherboard issue and no longer powers on anymore.

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?
....At 600+ hours, it's Pokemon Y. 370~ hours is AC:New Leaf, then Ultra Sun, Sun, and Pokemon Black 2, all with ~200hrs a piece.

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?
Persona Q is my 12th most-played game and I didn't like it enough to continue grinding in order to beat it. I was hoping it was going to be good but I lost interest. Same with FE: Awakening(13th). and Pokemon Conquest (27th). I just find strategy games monotonous and awful lol.

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?
I have the OG 3DS in Teal, and also the New3DS that had come with the Animal Crossing plates which I swapped out for JP-only Pikachu ones.

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?
My 3DS was basically 100% carts until I started dumping my carts onto my SD card lmao. Best of both worlds, I suppose.

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)
Not much. I loved the puzzle thing unlocked via Pass, though.

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?
Just the puzzles one and the little adventure one.

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?


1.) When did you first get a 3DS? Um after my DS finally died in 2012 I think?

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it? uhh that was 3ds and not ds? i don't remember. probably either SMTIV or maybe pokemon???

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game? Majora's Mask port lmfao

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking? the harvest moon for 3ds i guess? 

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have? i had a normal red one but now i have a silver XL

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop? eshop is great cuz im lazy

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect) ya i tried a few when i first got it

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites? ummm yes but i havent in a really long time 

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games? i didn't


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?
Sometime in 2011 I think. I remember having one at the beginning of 2012.

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?
Maybe Kid Icarus Uprising? I'm not 100% sure. It's just the oldest (year it was created) 3ds game I still have.

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?
Definitely biased towards Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. Non Pokemon though Kid Icarus Uprising hands down.

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?
I got the 3ds Super Smash Bros just because a friend had it but it wasn't really my thing.

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?
Well, currently I use a blue and black 2ds because the hing broke on my "current" 3ds. It's a plain black one. The 3ds still works but if I try to close it it's going to snap so it's kept as a back up now. It's just setting in a drawer because I don't have a way to store it open.

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?
Physical copies. I don't like virtual copies unless a game doesn't have a physical. A memory card got broken somehow one time so I lost my saves. I also like seeing physical copies. A game doesn't feel like mine if it's digital.

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)
I used to play the fishing minigame in AR games. I haven't in a long time but I might again one day. I don't really like the non AR games.

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?
No, I don't.

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?

I remember it was for christmas, a yr after my bro got his ;; I got the new 3ds xl though, the black one (I had the dsi before this one though) Hmmm I wanna say maybe 4 or 5 yrs ago? I think I had it in high school lol but I know I carried it around in freshman yr college lol

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?

I can't lol, it might have been a kirby game lmao

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?

I loved pkmn omega ruby sooo much when I played it

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?

I'm not sure ;; I haven't finished most of them oof but I usually like them

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?

New 3ds xl black

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?

I have both but I like physical copies lol

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)

Not really, though if this one did then it was the crane game one with badges and that bunny

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?

I think I remember the puzzle one ? And the one with miis running lol I can't remember what xD oh and the racecar one though Idk if it was bought

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?

Prob not (unless it was the racecar one)


1.) When did you first get a 3DS?

Mid-2015? It was a Middle-school graduation gift

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?

ACNL. I think that's the game I put the most time into

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?

Monster Hunter Generations. I got my copy in 2019 (super late lmao) but I still played the hell out of it (also rip. prowler mode, you will be missed)

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?

Nah, but that's because I'm super picky about what games I get to begin with

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?

New 3DS XL red. I have a Zelda case on it so I keep forgetting it's actually red oops

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?

Physical copies master race lol

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)

I guess the Mii maker

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?

I used to, but I stopped after I took my DS to cons and streetpassed a ton of people. Idk, couldn't be bothered to play & go through everyone ig

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?



1.) When did you first get a 3DS? 

summer after it came out

2.) Do you remember the first game you got on it? If so what is it?

ocarina of time 3d

3.) What's your favorite 3DS game?

idk.... i dont play it anymore

4.) Did you ever get a 3DS game you ended up not liking?

dont remember....

5.) What kind of 3DS do you have?

OG blue

6.) Do you like to buy physical copies or virtual copies from the eshop?

all the reatail available ones are physical copy only

7.) Did you play with any of the apps that come with it? (AR Games, Face Raiders, the sound test ect)

i loved the ar games but didnt care for face raiders

8.) Do you play Mii Plaza games? If so which ones are you favorites?

not anymore but i used to

9.) Did you buy any of the Mii plaza games?


i wouldnt go back to the 3ds but the thing i remember most fondly is the 3d effects, its the thing i miss the most (actually the only thing i miss lol) about the 3ds