Chat board

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by bittersweetness

are you bored and want to talk to people but you can't find friends because relatable,please be my friend i'm so lonely. 

well,this is the place for you! holy shit why is this so cringy.

you can talk about ocs,stories,anime,what you had for dinner last night,what your pet is doing anything! but before you get into all that here's some ground rules.

-try to keep the thread PG-13 at best. nothing overtly sexual(things like cleavage,etc is fine if it's put under a spoiler.)

-if you Do post something NSFW or sensitive please black it out like so.

-respect people's boundaries,what you post could be triggering to some people and you need consider that before you post here.

-if you post something drama related put it under a spoiler and it can't be something horrible.(i.e a famous artist just got exposed for being a p*do. you can't post anything like that here.)

-characters with NSFW can be posted here IF all the NSFW art is tagged correctly and the character has a content warning for sexual content.

-talking about transphobia,etc is allowed  but i'm going to strict on it.(i.e your parents or relatives is a homophobic and you wanna talk about the. that's allowed,but anything else isn't.)

-be nice,this is a board for people to chat and have fun. :)

-dropping names if allowed but,i'm going to be strict on it.(i.e you wanna say something negative about your parent's that's fine,you wanna talk about times you were scammed by an artist or person,that's fine if you don't name them directly.

failure to follow these rules will lead to a warning,3 warning and you'll be but on the blacklist.

have fun!<3


none yet! love to keep it that way. :)





ChanSimping LMAOOOO ty lol u r also very swag m'dude

I just can't shut up so I don't LOL



No pls youre being too kind- How do you ramble I would like to learn


ChanSimping Step 1: have ADHD /j

NAH BUT RLY THO lol I think it's just my adhd that causes me to ramble - part of how I end up rambling in conversation is literally my thoughts jumping between topics and bringing up said topics lol, and if it's a hyperfixation or a special interest then my brain just rambles FOR me

In all honesty it's prolly easier when you're super interested in a topic tho - whatever your favorite thing is I guarantee that if you were talking to people just as invested in it you could probably ramble for hours.




Woah that must be hard sometimes right? BUT YOU SEEM LIKE THE MOST COOLEST PERSON TO BE AROUND AKEHDN- Pls what are your interests I wanna hear all about them you seem like you have ghe greatedt taste in everything and I egnuinly trust you with my life- /lh



Yeah it's a little hard especially when I don't mean to ramble and leave someone just like 👁👄👁 "uh- ok then Jay that's very nice *sobs in 2 hours of their life wasted on listening to me ramble on about the rules of Yugioh and how much they've changed and evolved as new meta decks were added and how an old deck, even if it was really really powerful back in OG Yugioh days could never stand a chance against today's meta*" 

And HAJHJHSBABDAAS that means a lot to me because I'm a dumb bitch who has no self-confidence unless given external validation lmao, my main interests are Yugioh - both the anime and the cards, and the tohei series and manga, and I'm always trying to get more of the regular series mangas, like HGAwhahJ (wow couldn't have guessed that from my example of what I ramble about)  Danganronpa (please my little bitch ass is OBSESSED) Mha (except all my main faves are the villains because my brain is somehow wired to find villains more intriguing as characters) Moomins (my mother judges me for it LMAO), Percy Jackson except not at all and the only characters I remember and am still obsessed with are Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo and also Will Solace a little by association, Skulduggery Pleasant, horror games, and recently I've been getting slowly sucked back into Undertale lmfao - I also like musical artists like YUNGBLUD and YOHIO and Gerard Way (along with Mcr but OH his SOLO CAREER 😳)

edit: oh my god Jay talk about his interests without doing so with a wall of text challenge haha,,,


ChanSimping LOL probably bc we both like to talk, plus talking about things you are passionate about tends to make conversations last longer!

UndyingDumbassery_ OH DEFINITELY I’M SURE EVENTUALLY IT’LL BE MADE BUT! EXACTLY! HONESTLY a everyone is shit at writing at first. Just like everything, it takes practice. Practice makes perfect and some people may have a knack at it while others don’t... but if you are imagining certain scenarios then you have enough creativity to make something.

AWWW cockatiels are the sweetest birds. 

YES YES YES EXACTLYYYY! It is okay to like or dislike whatever character you want as long as s you aren’t harassing someone about it, but the minute you harass someone about it shit goes down. When someone is the type to do something like that it puts me off from them, if they overreact about something like that will they overreact to other shit too?

AHAHA IT’S A BIG MOOD just imagine sending that to friends when you’re angry. It’s amazing how well artists can capture characters like that. AUGH makes me wanna draw more expressive art LOL


heftylesbian IKR like OH MY GOD my old writing was HORRIBLE but now I'm like, decent enough at writing to write mediocre stuff and that's pretty okay for me rn, I just abuse my writing powers to write stuff with my friend's ocs because I'm super invested in these two characters he has and I'm invested in their friendship and it's SO good for hurt/comfort or angst oh GOD. He also has a persona that lo and behold is canonically friends with and lives with my persona and they have the BEST antics even if my pacing and dialogue makes the antics I decide to write about them seem rushed.

Yesss they're so cute - personally I prefer cockatoos by a small margin cause they're just big and dumb but also super smart to where it's like, almost evil lol but cockatiels are still super duper cute even if my nana and grandad's cockatiel didn't like me very much lol (her name was Cheeko and I think in the time she was alive she only ever willingly went on my shoulder/generally near me like maybe 10 times and half of those were her clambering up my legs to use as an elevator to my nana who I always sit beside LOL)

IKR that's always a red flag - it's okay if you don't UNDERSTAND liking the character because it's HARD to see things from other people's point of view, but if you flat out attack them it's like- I'm lowkey judging you and avoiding you at all costs LOL (it goes both way though, people get harrassed for NOT liking characters and I'm like 👁👄👁 u good bro? u need assistance? u ok???? why??????)

Oh my god I'm ABSOLUTELY doing that if I remember lol - and yeah I was actually really surprised at how well they captured the pure  r a g e  lol


RocketShipDown He looks super awesome! loving the vibes hsbjbahabhbsjma


got braces yesterday   


UndyingDumbassery_ YES YES OMFG ME AND MY BEST FRIEND ARE THE SAME WAY BESIDES THE PERSONA PART but her and I talk about our ocs everyday. But it is so cute that you two have your sonas be friends like that as well! Her and I used to rp the characters she’s gonna do a comic with when we were 15, and she cleaned up and reorganized the whole plot scheme so it makes more sense. LOL but tbh when writing, making it whatever pace you want is the fun part. I can only imagine how much fun you’re having when writing their antics!

AWW THAT’S CUTE THOUGH but birds GENERALLY tend to take to only one person. Like my friend’s bird, nugget, only likes her. But I don’t blame you. I love pet birds, but I know that I have a hard time with taking care of animals besides dogs so I just admire them. LOL

YESSSS YESSSS HONESTLY people are weird. I understand that everyone has a right to hold their opinions, but having opinions doesn’t mean attacking those with different ones. If they are not hurting anyone or anything, then what’s the problem?

LOOOOOOL seriously extreme expressions like that are hella difficult.


heftylesbian YESSS that's so fun lol - honestly my sona simultaneously doesn't represent me at all but also is literally just me. He has A LOT of my weird quirks and my personality but he's WAY meaner to my friend's persona than I could ever be to anyone I'm friends with LOL - he makes him ride in the trunk whenever he needs to hitch a ride lol - technically though being mean is how Juni shows love, whereas I show love by being an absolute unfiltered dumbass, true to my username. 

Yeah, Cheeko was really attached to both my nana and grandad but she would generally come to almost anyone except me so it was like *insulted young Jay noises* and then *PROUD SLIGHTLY OLDER JAY NOISES* because she only really started coming to me willingly when I got a bit older, like, sort of 2019-ish maybe? I'm bad with time but unfortunately that was closer to when she died (which was sometime in 2020 I think?) and I wasn't going to my nana and grandad's as much as I'd've liked to ahsbsbjbaj

Yeah - of course you're also allowed to have an opinion on someone else's opinions too, but it's how you go about having that opinion that makes the difference lol.

OH IKR - I seriously can't do extreme expressions no matter how hard I try LOL it's just so hard in my style lmfao (which is why I'm thankful that most of my characters are big grumps with resting bitch face lmfao)


I'm still kind of amazed about how many kinds of coffee exist. It's kind of like tea varieties and everything.
(I'm overcaffeinated I guess, but it's still neat to think about how many crop varieties there are.)