Chat board

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by bittersweetness

are you bored and want to talk to people but you can't find friends because relatable,please be my friend i'm so lonely. 

well,this is the place for you! holy shit why is this so cringy.

you can talk about ocs,stories,anime,what you had for dinner last night,what your pet is doing anything! but before you get into all that here's some ground rules.

-try to keep the thread PG-13 at best. nothing overtly sexual(things like cleavage,etc is fine if it's put under a spoiler.)

-if you Do post something NSFW or sensitive please black it out like so.

-respect people's boundaries,what you post could be triggering to some people and you need consider that before you post here.

-if you post something drama related put it under a spoiler and it can't be something horrible.(i.e a famous artist just got exposed for being a p*do. you can't post anything like that here.)

-characters with NSFW can be posted here IF all the NSFW art is tagged correctly and the character has a content warning for sexual content.

-talking about transphobia,etc is allowed  but i'm going to strict on it.(i.e your parents or relatives is a homophobic and you wanna talk about the. that's allowed,but anything else isn't.)

-be nice,this is a board for people to chat and have fun. :)

-dropping names if allowed but,i'm going to be strict on it.(i.e you wanna say something negative about your parent's that's fine,you wanna talk about times you were scammed by an artist or person,that's fine if you don't name them directly.

failure to follow these rules will lead to a warning,3 warning and you'll be but on the blacklist.

have fun!<3


none yet! love to keep it that way. :)


heftylesbian Ty sjahsjjajnsa - I did not go into that thinking I would be spending 3 hours, I thought I would spend 10 minutes doing a funny haha edit of Gerard Way and Marik Ishtar for their haha funny crackfic, but that did not happen.


She literally does tho AHHSAJASHJDSJ I bet she really regrets introducing the three of us sometimes lol


UndyingDumbassery_ LOOL i understand that feeling though. Sometimes i think it’s bc of making something for someone else so it makes it 2x more fun. But they will FREAK I’m sure

AHAHA I’m sure she has fun with it nonetheless


heftylesbian AHHAJSHbjas yuh loL-

Yeahhhh lol. I mean you can't watch three dumbasses cause chaos and NOT think it's at least a LITTLE funny.

Oh also I tried that band you recommended a while ago, The Hu, it was rly good like damn :0 idk how often I'd listen to them but lowkey their music goes hard 👀


UndyingDumbassery_ I love your new icon btw

AHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT IS TRUE you guys must have a ton of inside jokes

OOOOOO I’M GLAD YOU LIKE THEM SO MUCH a I loved the bands you recommended me as well, I started listening to YOHIO more and more. Listening to new music is so much fun especially when it opens you up to more options.


heftylesbian ty! :D I thought it would be cute to have bean Juni lol

We rly do - the entire reason why Romance Of The Thicc exists is one of them lmfao

Yuh! They have a vibe I've never really seen before so I was like oOO hello sir. And I'm super glad you like YOHIO! Speaking of him, I watched the youtube premiere of his new music video (for Undo) and HSAJBSHJBDH I saw the same old guy from Defeating A Devil A Day's music video and I'm now questioning who this man is and why he is a reoccurring thing, and if he's in any other YOHIO music vids that I haven't noticed. 

This is a conspiracy theory waiting to happen.

Like I'm probably overthinking it but WHY IS THIS MAN HERE AGAIN I NEED ANSWERS WHO IS HE--


UndyingDumbassery_ You’re welcome! 

ROMANCE OF THE THICC that sounds legendary. 

Yess same here. It’s like a lil ear snack. I feel like if you wanna feel powerful and shit, the hu is perfect. They even post shit on their yt channel where they cook for their wives and each other, like it’s so wholesome. But YESSSS HE IS SO COOL 

Yo okay hear me out what if it’s like a “universe” thing. Like you know how kpop people say that certain bands belong to certain “universes” storyline-wise, what if it’s the same for yohio? That he’s a king a story and this guy is someone that is going to slowly pop up more and more.


I don’t really draw much - barely if any, but I’m super excited to purchase this Wacom tablet from a friend. I want to get into art even if I think my stuff looks like shit 👍


someone help i m stuck鸥鸟他和Chines饿keyboard爱你的就冬天know后卫头turn itoff


 I just turned it鸥鸟呕吐藕粉curiosity i didn't think it wouldn't乐天么turn it off




anyways I wanna have a convo with someone pls ping me if interested mwah