Chat board

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by bittersweetness

are you bored and want to talk to people but you can't find friends because relatable,please be my friend i'm so lonely. 

well,this is the place for you! holy shit why is this so cringy.

you can talk about ocs,stories,anime,what you had for dinner last night,what your pet is doing anything! but before you get into all that here's some ground rules.

-try to keep the thread PG-13 at best. nothing overtly sexual(things like cleavage,etc is fine if it's put under a spoiler.)

-if you Do post something NSFW or sensitive please black it out like so.

-respect people's boundaries,what you post could be triggering to some people and you need consider that before you post here.

-if you post something drama related put it under a spoiler and it can't be something horrible.(i.e a famous artist just got exposed for being a p*do. you can't post anything like that here.)

-characters with NSFW can be posted here IF all the NSFW art is tagged correctly and the character has a content warning for sexual content.

-talking about transphobia,etc is allowed  but i'm going to strict on it.(i.e your parents or relatives is a homophobic and you wanna talk about the. that's allowed,but anything else isn't.)

-be nice,this is a board for people to chat and have fun. :)

-dropping names if allowed but,i'm going to be strict on it.(i.e you wanna say something negative about your parent's that's fine,you wanna talk about times you were scammed by an artist or person,that's fine if you don't name them directly.

failure to follow these rules will lead to a warning,3 warning and you'll be but on the blacklist.

have fun!<3


none yet! love to keep it that way. :)



idk why,but your code always freezes/crashes toyhouse on my screen,lol. but i'm doing fine! what about you?? :c


god thats a mood,,, i hate chem with my life!!

I'm working on my fall prompt for a group I'm in

I forgot to draw my own character but,, im drawing my friends 



NOO DON'T SAY CHEM it might summon it. I have been avoiding doing chem for two weeks I Do Not See It 😾



i quite like the art! it's so cute and chibi-ish X3

iv'e been procrastinating too i REALLY need to get in my orchestra hw but i hate playing the violin,it's not something i really want to do lol.



bittersweetness Oh shoot I forgot I was using a large background image// let me know if this is any better!! I'm doin pretty alright ;v;! just kinda vibing and looking around, don't got much to do haha



yea that's much better lol,no worries!

i'm really just vibing too,i wanna work on getting my characters more fleshed out but i'm really lazy,let's see if i can at least give them HTML.


i had a 4.0 but chem said no rin rights,,,,

I never meet a good science teachers before ;;


Online chem is a pain 😔


I've drawn my friend's character so many times I can pretty much tell you the pattern in my sleep. This enters my mind every now and then.


hi gamers, im currently obsessed with minecraft and the dream smp AHAHAH :') I wanna ramble to someone abt dreamsmp but cant find anyone smh... pls someone here ramble to me as well I wanna scream (there may be spoilers and I'm sorry)

also!! chemistry isn't that bad, I took it my 2nd year of high school so its alright. besides, I'm going to college next year and I'll end up probably being a science teacher, so ofc chemistry is gonna be part of it. Otherwise, i guess I'm doing mathematics as a teacher so?? idk man, I'm just here.

(also how do y'all feel abt college, I'm super anxious abt it ahhh)