Post your dreams here!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by yanderechips

Have you ever had a dream?

You probably have. Try to explain how it went.


ooo i have one ! its pretty short and simple , but it's the oldest dream i remember . i was in like 1st grade or near the end of kindergarten 

so I woke up on the top of the bunk bed - as usual - went down , and I'm not sure if my brother was there , i didn't check . either way it was a pretty normal day , i think all the other people in the house were just sleeping . so I went into the living room , looked out the window , and for some reason we didn't have a balcony anymore ? outside the house there's some grass with flowers and it sort of goes uphill for a few meters , then there's a path and a small parking space , but here in the dream it was all just a flat asphalt square with no cars . in the middle of it , i saw my dad , on a wooden chair that looked like it was from the kitchen , reciting kids poems .

end of dream .


When I was like 10 I had a dream where me and my best friend at the time were running around in some tall sharp ass grass. Like, ran my finger along it and it started bleeding. Sharp grass. Idk-

And somehow we end up in front of a giant mansion so we walk inside looking for idk... And so I go into the kitchen where there's a bunch of pots and pans just lying around and a lot of them are shaking. Then all of a sudden something jumps out of one of the pots and attacks me. It's difficult to describe but the simplest way I can describe it is a slightly more realistic Minecraft pig with human baby legs. Idk...

Then I briefly saw those aliens from Stampylongnose's videos running around on the ceiling and then I woke up.

This was all in black and white btw. Don't know why.


Oh cool this thread popped up when I actually had a fun dream last night.

It was at a heavily altered version of my college campus, the river was flooded super far up. Some school party was happening, but I left and went outside and watched a bunch of large yellow cichlids jumping down a small waterfall and into the main river. I got into the water with them and had the most fun I've had in a dream in years while swimming with them.

There started to be ocean-like waves and I played in it for a bit of time before eventually getting up and making my way back to the original building. Things got muddy here as I was about to wake up, and I don't care enough to try and put together all the details into one coherent sounding paragraph.


I had a dream where someone was harassing me and was trying to get me banned from DeviantArt because they didn't like my species :/


blocking it out bc murder but

i recently had a dream where I killed someone. I was being harrassed by this dude and was also being chased down by someone (in the dream, the person was apparently my brother, but he looked nothing like my irl brothers). so I killed the dude stalking me and honestly, kinda felt good. i woke up soon after tho, so idk how it ends.


The other night I had a weird dream where I was a character in like a 3d animated, kinda Pixar-esque movie? And basically there were a bunch of chimps in a zoo, and I was one of them, a male, sort of young and agile chimp named Apollo who was sort of a side character, except I was playing him in first person like I actually was him. We were special chimps in the sense that we were insanely intelligent, and we wanted to escape the zoo. For some reason the part of the enclosure we were going through to get out was like a flooded creek with fences on the sides. Our first thought was to use these rafts up on these pillared platforms to boat our way out, but then we found out the platforms could be easily moved and started using those instead. Eventually some humans (like... two) started coming over to where we were and pointing net guns at us, but I said some cool one-liner I can't remember and kicked them out of the way. Then we found this weird rollercoaster cart-looking thing with enough seats for all the chimps, and we started bringing the chimps into the seats, young and old. That's where my dream ended, though, so... I never really got to see if we escaped or not. 


Sci-Fi based dream I can only remember partially off, I believe centering mainly around genetically engineering humans into different lifeforms so they could prosper on other planets. The main species I remember were these aliens that lived on a desert planet, and they were the descendants of humans eons ago that were able to survive an extinction that caused Earth to turn into such a hostile atmosphere. They lived in caves, but were still technogically advanced and created various machines that were capable of different things. Kind of stocky, hunched over humanoids that were covered in clothing designed to protect them from heat and wore gas masks for breathing.

They were also able to recreate humans, but their body was more akin to translucent, white gelatin in a human shape. Their organs were visible as well, and they were often used for testing and experiments to further develop them in hopes that they could become well..more "solid" and a lot like how humans looked back when the planet was still hospitable. Probably a weird thing to explain, but ye. Just goes to show what happens when you read about speculative evolution involving humans.


we were at this amusement park i guess?? idk but we needed to go somewhere, there was this race track in our way and instead of going the other way around we decided a smart idea : just go through the race tracks while everyone was driving lol

the race track cars were similar to the one in wreck it ralph btw 

we went through and suddenly the cars got small for someone reason, and then it went back to normal when we were just about to finish crossing 

the race track was on this cliff(?..) thing or hill or whatever’s but there was this airplane that was part of the race track design where we could climb down that said something like “dont climb the track object thing or whatever” i don’t remember but it said we couldn’t go down from it but we did anyways because 

it had those little rock things that come from those rock climbing things u ee at the he gym or something something litERALLY ON IT SO WE JUST HAD TO CLIMB DOWN TO IT CMON

when got down (my friend disappeared but i  didn’t think anything of it) there was a pirate ship next to me and apperently the amusement park ark was as in  columbia or whatever and yknow those bottles that you throw at the ship , there was one except it wasn’t replaced with a crate or something and i tried cutting the rope but this woman stopped me , andy then SHE cutter it instead of me 

everyone’s started applauding and cheering for her because apparently she was the creator of Yu-gi-Oh (or however you spell it) and she was traveling on a journey to create more magic cards (or a new book or something i forgot but one of the two) 

and that’s all i’m remember i don’t know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh so idk why it appeared in my dream lolol 


i dont remember too much from my dream but i had a dream about a mecha bunny furry character. they were pretty cool and ive been wanting to design them ever since i had that dream.


most of my dreams are a bit too weird to put in text form, but here's one of my more normal linear ones lol

so basically, the general premise was that we were in the midst of a zombie apocalypse but it had been going on for years so humans had kinda adapted to suddenly being lower on the food chain. we could live fine, but we were pretty hidden more or less. me and my gang (not that i was me, just whoever the main character of my dream was and my friends were just random dream-created ppl) hadn't seen another human in a long while, as the town we were scouting for supplies seemed pretty abandoned. there was a weird point where we stole a car and went on a bit of a joyride that ended up w/ natural rollercoasters and stuff but that's not rly relevant

anyway, we drove the car into a small convenience store to get food, and almost ran down a few ppl who were still trying to keep the place afloat bc we thought they were zombies (as mentioned before, hadn't seen ppl in awhile so just assumed they were undead). we were gonna steal food but we felt bad and apologised and actually bought stuff

we were mostly looking for a place to stay for the night as zombies couldn't be out in light but would swarm places at night (think i am legend kinda zombies i suppose?) but we specifically had to find and break into a house w/ electricity bc apparently if we couldn't get the lights working the zombies would smell us and just bust in and get us
we had a big ass dog w/ us (that was literally just an arcanine) which was cool. it was just some random stray that started hanging out w/ us at some point

it had puppies later in the dream and we were freaking out like 'they were born w/ the virus in them they're infected!' but then we realised they were normal so they had a natural immunity to it that made them invincible? so we had a puppy army against the zombies. but we still had to find a place for the night and the sun was setting so we couldnt be picky

we ended up in an open shed (like, roof, back wall, other three walls open) which seemed dangerous but it had three working lights that we pointed to the openings to keep the zombies out

we also found out somehow that the puppies had cool LED eyes that lit up like torches when u poked them. didn't hurt them, but we were so excited that we were forever invincible to the zombies now or w/e. then my alarm went off and i woke up