Post your dreams here!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by yanderechips

Have you ever had a dream?

You probably have. Try to explain how it went.


OH wait I forgot I had to post here too

So I was at this farm and the farm had a lion and tiger. (idk why??) and somehow they escaped. The only way we could get them to stop chasing us was to stand still. After staying still for 15 minutes, the farmer had planted two gigantic flowers and we got a chance to run. We hid behind some short little gate...??? and SOMEHOW the lion and tiger can't get over the gate. We planned to cross the river across from the farm, but over there were alligators. Then ALSO inside of my dream, my dad woke me up.

That's when I woke up.


this is a weird one but for a while I used to have reoccuring dreams of me being sucked into really deep snow, leaving a thin but long tunnel from me to the far away surface. I'd wake up scared! This happened until I had a dream where I somehow dug out of the tunnel, then never happened again.  (I actually made an OC based around that feeling he does the same thing to people! very spicy)

Another notable one was when I was really young, had to be 6, which i funny because i have like no other memory of being that age. I was in my backyard, and everything was a washed out greyscale color. There were these simplistic shapes floating in the sky. One was a simplfied face (smiling mouth and two eyes which were just holes, like a big mask) and I threw a rock at it, which made it frown and slide away. Dunno why I remember it so vividly but it did creep me out at the time!!

ok 1 last one too but Funky. I used to have a problem before I got my nightlight where I'd have essentially the visual effects of sleep paralysis, but I could move. I'd wake up and see a hallucination in my room, and usually attack it. The first time, it was someone standing in my room. The second, I stood up and my bed was covered in glowing blue veins. The third, the plants in my room were covered in skulls. The last time, it was a group of people standing around in my room. After I got my night light, they petered off, haven't had one in a Long Time, which is good because if I invested in expensive bang dream figures and if I throw things they might break sdgHISDGISDG


I don't know why I have so many nightmares about public bathrooms lol. This recent one was me going to use a walmart bathroom, and the line was hekka long, but I managed to cut in line without being called out xD Anyway, I went into the disabled stall, but I was like wait, there might be someone who actually needs this more than me, so I left  it and found an empty stall at the end of the bathroom. For some reason, the walls were really low, like you can see eachother's heads when you sit lol. anyway, there was PEE on my seat, so I had to pull myself up with my hands on the walls and try to pee into the toilet. (It didn't work out very well.) I was peeimng forever and the crowded bathroom full of people yelling at everyone  to hurry was ticking me off and I finally exploded when Bretman Rock sassily walked in and told me I got mail. He then began to open it and read it out loud! I snapped and screamed "CAN I GET SOME PRIVACY AROUND HERE!?" everyone got quiet. I snatched the letter from Bretman and started reading it to myself and it was a reunion letter from my elementary school. (I'm turning 21 this year so why am i dreaming about an elementary school reunion? lol) Anyway, I finished peeing finally and all of a sudden everyone who was mad at me for taking so long started throwing toilet paper into my toilet bowl before I could even flush. Bretman came back and threw like the plastic coverings on medicine bottles into my toilet, and I was so done, I didn't even care if it clogged up  the toilet. I flushed anyway and left. 

That was a pretty weird dream and I guess I have been feeling like I have no privacy cause I my room has been really busy since my older brother set up both his laptop and computer and stays up playing game with our little brother. lol :'D


I had a nightmare I had another nose on the back of my head lol


I remember having this dream where i was younger. My memories kind of bad, but I was sleeping in my mom's room that night, and I think I heard myself speak Spanish in the dream. That was because we had a new student in our class at school who spoke Spanish, so I dreamt about me speaking to them.

The only Spanish word I spoke was 'Hola' lmao


Yesterday I was binge-listening to Pentatonix Christmas songs and so naturally I had a cool dream where I lived in this completely different place and joined with a bunch of teenagers who were older than me and started an a capella group and became famous overnight.

I wish I could've stayed in that dream longer than I did

Also it was really cool cause I'm an alto and I've always been miffed that I can't sing a lot of my favorite songs comfortably (they're too high for my voice), but in the dream I was the group's soprano and I could hit all the high notes lol.


          I tend to have recurring nightmares (which, I read from somewhere that such a dream is the subconscious manifestation of stress/worry over something) of being chased or having to runaway from something. The thing is, what I runaway from in these dreams is often a repeat of the same few things over and over.

          The type that occured the most often is Godzilla or some kind of scarry carnivorous dinosaurs (T-rex, Velociraptor or Carnosaur/Allosaurus). I don't know why Godzilla manifested in my dream since I'm a big fan of Godzilla series and never find Godzilla frightening when I'm awake (if anything, I often squeal that Godzilla is 'cute'). And as mentioned I'm a fan of Godzilla series, I also love other Kaijus like King Ghidorah and Mothra but they never manifested in the same way at all.

          The other type only started showing up two or three years ago is tornado. I don't know why; I NEVER saw any tornado in real life and Thailand isn't known to have tornadoes although there are occasionally similar whirlwind things (not as big and strong as the tornadoes typically seen though). Yeah, so in my dream I was like, saw a supercell cloud and know tornado is about to touch down and try to find a shelter or some way to escape. Like I said, Thailand and tornadoes are like two things that never crossed path so communities here don't have any underground shelter at all.

          When I have this kind of nightmares, it's always these two things. Nope, never got chased by something else no matter ghosts, monsters, tigers or even some kind of criminals.


You ever have dreams where the only thing you can remember is just that it's pitch black and don't remember anything??


all my dreams are the same now, always something to do with hanging nooses, in one of them I was trying to run away from someone but they caught me and tied a noose around my throat.


I never remember my dreams completely but one time I had a dream I was late for something, and I was rushing to 7-11, and when I walked inside, instead of a 7-11, it was just a winding dark tunnel lined with blue tile. It was weird


I dreamt that my D&D party couldn't show up for the weekly session

And guess what

It came true.