How tf do people draw with artblock

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Neurofunkie

I can't even draw a stick figure when I have art block much less hands and feet


VictoryDrawsManga i have references saved but the sketches even with references look GOD awful


VictoryDrawsManga I have hundreds of poses saved, that doesn't stop the sketches from looking like blobs


Hide the pain harold, hide the pain!!! 😔

In all seriousness though, whenever I experience art block, brute forcing it will just make me more miserable. Kick your feet back, yell "fuck it!" And go do something else. It's basically replenishing your art batteries, personally I like to go and play some games :D


If you really want to draw but simply can't think of a subject to do, what I like to do is redraw artwork/screenshot of my fav videogames/animes or take free to use lineart to color so I can draw without thinking much.
But if that is also too much, taking a break from drawing is a good idea too, you wouldn't want to have a burnout.


for me I just kinda sit there in defeat, looking at random images to try and make up a character using little  aspects of them (eg. this dog oc has a really cute colour pallete, so ill use a kinda blue in the character's hair that i make / this character has these weird blobs that come out of their eyes, do they match their emotions? well I could make an oc that has that, but with hearts in their hair 0: ) just sometimes i think of the idea randomly - a noodle cat, their tail is a ramen bowl with noodles as the actual tail and then their colour pallete is a soft yellow .o. (i haven't used that idea- you can if you want, just dm me lol)


I guess I just draw, and dont let my thoughts mess with me. Just something completely random, without any goal or pressure. Maybe I start drawing a dot, and another dot, and it somehow start to turn into something completely else. 


Do I draw with art block...? Not normally. I'll usually try to find some other way to be creative; writing, cooking, anything, really. But if I really have to push through the block, I'll usually go claim in one of the silly, low-effort art games to get the ball rolling. Another way is to flip through art sites and try to glean inspiration.


I normally don't draw when when I have art block :''')

But when I do its best that I don't think about it too much, I'll try to doodle a little something at least so I don't fall out of drawing. Playing video games, watching videos, or reading books always helps with my motivation because those are things that inspire me!