How do you feel about them?

7 Votes I enjoy them and see them as a good way of advertising sales
10 Votes I don’t mind them / tolerate them
50 Votes I don’t like them but it’s whatever
36 Votes I don’t like them and block people who do them
23 Votes I’ve never gotten pinged for this

Since the title is a little vague: how do you feel about getting pinged for a character you favorited going up for sale? I’ve seen a lot of people who don’t like this, some even mentioning it in their profile warning saying they’ll block if they get pinged for this. 

Personally, I don’t do these ping lists myself, and if I ever happen to put a character for sale I feel like there’s better ways to advertise it than pinging people who might not even be looking to buy characters. Still, though, I’ve never really minded when I got pinged. For me pings are a one time thing and I can easily delete the notification and move on with my day. How do you feel, though? I’m curious as to why exactly people don’t like this, or if there’s any other people like me who don’t mind it as much. Thank you!


I'm personally neutral but leaning towards more of not really liking it.

It doesn't bother me to the point where I'd block someone or really do anything about it since it's quicker to delete the notif and go along my day. But I can't help but get a slight ":/" feeling whenever it happens. I don't have it happen to me too much however so that might play into how I feel about it.


never gotten pinged for this (YET) but tbh if it happened i'd unfave and delete the notification; i find it odd to go thru all the favs of a character and assume "ah yes they must want to buy this" and then ping potentially 50+ people

if people have asked "hey when/if this character goes up for offers, can you ping me?" and the seller pings just them it's fine, but otherwise. don't do that.


I unfav the character and delete the notification. However recently I stated to block people. It's getting on my nerves pretty badly cuz got more and more.. (I also stopped faving random OCS for the most part. Unless I know the person has no OCS for sale and/or doesn't ping.) 


I've never really been pinged that much whenever I fav a character, if I wanted to be put on a pinglist for them I'd ask to be put on a pinglist, but still it would be annoying if people who had favorited the character cause it looked cool or thought they had a nice backstory got pinged because the character is now UFO or UFT


Happened to me, didn't like it. I actually totally forgot I even favorited that OC.


tbh itz extremely annoying to me when i juzt get a notif and it turnz out 2 b someone pinging 200 ppl to say theyre putting a character up for sale. i get that itz not a major inconvinience but it happenz enough that itz become quite frankly irritating, pluz like....i get excited when i get notifz but if itz for smthn like that im rlly dizappointed lol

perzonally i dont see the point in pinging like 50+ ppl who faved an oc bcuz of the thingz otherz have said on here, probably not many ppl r interezted in buying them and honeztly w more and more ppl coming out and saying they dizlike it, why do ppl still do it? juzt make a pinglizt for that oc and only ping thoze ppl, not 50+ ppl who faved it and more then likely have no interezt and/or fundz lol

i juzt fav characterz bcuz i like the dezignz and while, yez ill say that a few of them i wouldve been interezted in purchazing if i had the fundz, im a broke az hell and even if i did, i wouldnt b spending it on a random oc lmao, the only time i'd buy an expenzive oc if i waz specifically extremely interezted in them, sorry that im not interezted in your $700 sparklecat, i juzt faved them bcuz i liked the dezign lmao


Small update: As I'm reading these posts I think I'm starting to understand a little more why a lot of people don't like getting pinged for these. Tbh I still stand in the area of not really minding them, though, but I agree that there are likely better ways to advertise. I don't have the funds either to be spending a lot of money on characters, design most of my characters myself anyway, and most characters I favorite are just favorited because I liked the design.

Still, though, I don't think I'd ever go to the length of blocking unless the same person did it multiple times or something. Even then I can easily just click the x button and the notification is gone, no big deal. To me blocking is more of a hassle than simply ignoring it and going on with my day, but that's just me. So yeah, that's just where I stand.